The project of the GTRK "Samara" "Votes Victory" received recognition of the jury of the federal competition "Silver Archer"


The social action "Victory Voice" attracted the attention of residents not only by the Samara region, but also the whole country. 5300 people, 550 soloists, 232 vocal groups, 56 choirs. The response is obtained phenomenal, although the participants did not promise prizes and gifts, but only the opportunity to share with a wide audience with their performance of military songs. The "Silver Archer" regional jury considered a patriotic project conducted by GTRK "Samara" in conjunction with the regional government, the most successful and worthy to represent the province at the federal level.

Victory Voice in the capital was presented by the Radio-winning GTRK "Samara" Anton Samokhvalov and one of the participants in the competition, the pupil of the boarding school for children with a violation of hearing Danill Comm.

"We have in the members of the jury - both sociologists, and media representatives, and teachers of universities, and marketers, and HR specialists. It is through a suspended position and a large number of experts, it seems to me that we achieve an honest and fair assessment," the general Director of the Agency of Communications "Praton", Executive Director of the Silver Archer Prize - Samara Tatiana Mokshin.

The Victory Voice has already brought GTRK "Samara" the main television award of the country - "Tafi region". And here is a new professional recognition at the All-Russian level - a special prize of the Board of Trustees of the National Competition in the field of public relations "Silver Archer".

The project of the GTRK

"The project is amazing, and I did not see people who would look at the rollers, listened to the songs and kept their excitement. I cried myself - and during the presentation, and before when I watched the ceremony from the GTRK SAMAR studio. This is a huge Part of our life, "- commented on the executive director of the National Prize in the Development of Public Relations" Silver Archer "Nadezhda Yavdolyuk.

"This project can be proud of this project, because, in my opinion, this is the most civil, most meaningful, patriotic project that was presented on the" silver archer "of this year. It is really very deep in its content. Song is what is what Speaks about people, which speaks of the nation, speaks of culture. After all, every country, every people has their own song tradition. And what you appealed to this genre, it seems very cool to me, "added a member of the Jury National Prize in the field Silver Archer's public relations, chairman of the Board of Directors of the Communication Group Agt Vyacheslav Leschevsky.

A high assessment of the federal jury and, of course, support for more than five thousand participants and their families - a truly valuable reward for everyone who worked on the grandiose project "Victory Voice". And this is the whole, without exception, the team of television and radio companies and everyone who has not remained indifferent to the folk stock.

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