How to cut a pear right


    Good afternoon, my reader. Pruning fruit trees is a necessary measure. She needs a plant to have a healthy look and actively fruited.

    How to cut a pear right 1773_1
    How to cut a pear right Maria Verbilkova

    Pears make several such events for the season.

    To carry out this procedure correctly and achieve the desired result, gardeners adhere to some rules:
    1. In the fall, the procedure is carried out in early September. This allows you to take a good harvest for the future season. Large, with high taste.
    2. The air temperature during the event should be no lower than 1 OS.
    3. Annual branches are shortened, leaving at least 5 kidneys, otherwise the tree will spend a lot of strength to grow young row.
    4. Removal of branches at the base contributes to the rapid healing of cuts.
    5. Spies are immediately treated with garden borants. It will protect against viruses, infections and pests from entering them.
    6. Young pears are cut into the second year after landing, forming a crown and forcing a tree to form fruit-sighting shoots.
    7. Old trees are subject to trimming a rejuvenating type. Remove branches that hinder the growth of new shoots. The procedure allows you to increase the number of fruits.

    Trimming is carried out by a sharp tool. The secret is pre-disinfected by a solution of manganese, so as not to make pathogenic bacteria under the bark.

    For fruit trees, the following types are needed:

    • Sanitary. Experienced gardeners are recommended to carry out in the fall. Delete all dry and damaged disease or pests. At the same time try to cut and part of the wood so that the disease does not spread.
    • Forming.
    • Rejuvenating. Requires old trees to improve fruiting. It is carried out in several stages with an interval of 3 years.
    How to cut a pear right 1773_2
    How to cut a pear right Maria Verbilkova

    This event is necessary for:
    • crown formation;
    • increase yield in the future season;
    • Improving the quality of fruits.

    However, if during this period there is incorrectly, it is possible to freeze the plant and reduce fruiting.

    The method is different from spring and summer. Because at this time the tree is preparing for winter. It is important to conduct an event correctly not to destroy the plant.

    The order of action is adhered to:

    1. Remove patients and dry branches. This will increase the stability of the plant to frost and abundant snowfall.
    2. Crop the shoots growing inside and at right angles.
    3. All shoots are shortened by a third of the length.

    In the spring, the forming trimming is carried out.

    It is divided into several types:

    1. After-space. For the proper formation of the crown of the tree.
    2. Cutting. Requires young pears to prevent excessive shoots of shoots. Thanks to the event, seedlings become bush.
    3. Supporting. Remove shoots growing down, on the sides, too long. This type improves the ventilation of the crown. It is applied to trees older than 5 years.

    Spring forming trimming is carried out before the leaves is dissolved.

    Enroll as follows:

    1. At annual trees remove shoots 50 cm from the ground. So that new branches are formed from the lower kidneys.
    2. Two-year-olds inhibit the central part of 1/4 length.
    3. There are only 4 lateral skeletal branches that depart from the barrel under 45o.
    4. The shoots on which the wounds were formed, flex to the ground, trying to give them a horizontal position.
    5. The remaining rejuvenates and fixed with the help of twine.

    With age, the pear needs less forming trimming. Gradually, the crown give a pyramidal form.

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