Bloomberg: USA and the United Kingdom discuss new sanctions against Russia


Bloomberg: USA and the United Kingdom discuss new sanctions against Russia 17697_1

The United States and the United Kingdom are discussing additional sanctions against Russia related to the accusations of the use of chemical weapons. According to Bloomberg sources, various options are considered - from personal sanctions against large businessmen to measures against the sovereign debt of the country.

The British authorities are planning to insist that the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) continued to put pressure on Russia. They want Moscow to explain about the use of prohibited substances. In the coming weeks, potential measures with key European allies will be discussed, including France and Germany, one of the sources said.

It is expected that the United States will strictly adhere to the 1991 Chemical Weapons Act and will introduce additional sanctions if Russia does not fulfill certain conditions, Bloomberg sources are believed. These include assurances that it will refrain from the use of such weapons and will allow the inspection of the alleged objects of chemical weapons.

According to sources, the United States can strengthen the pressure on Russia by introducing sanctions against "oligarchs" within the framework of the Magnitsky Act, which allows the President of the United States to personally punish people suspected of violating human rights or corruption. If Russia is found that Russia will again commit a serious violation of the international ban on chemical weapons, President Joe Biden will consider the issue of the introduction of sanctions against the sovereign debt of the country.

"Three years ago, Russia poisoned Sergey Skriplya and his daughter with chemical weapons in British Earth. We confirm our commitment to ensuring justice for all victims of repeated use by Russia of chemical weapons, including Alexey Navalny. Russia's actions will entail consequences, "said US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken in Twitter.

The EU and the USA on March 2 introduced new restrictive measures against Russian officials and organizations due to the situation with Alexey Navalny. European sanctions relate to four officials, American seven. Less rigid than expected, sanctions will not have a significant impact on the Russian economy, wrote Bloomberg.

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