10 things that are exactly your friends who have become parents

10 things that are exactly your friends who have become parents 17687_1

Support is important even at a distance

"When people become parents, their values, roles, goals and vital philosophy are changing." Those parents say famous psychologists, spouses John Gottman and Julie Schwartz Gottman. Perhaps those who became parents recently feel such changes even stronger: closed borders, separation from friends, fear of getting sick, uncertainty in the future. We tell how to support friends who have become parents if there is no opportunity to see them.

Route the path to the parent of the parent: Order delivery of food

The avalanche of new sensations is immediately collapsed on the parents: feeding, changing diapers, alternate mentaling night, the desire to take a hot shower in silence and sleep in a minute. There is no time about food for yourself. There is no time - so friends will be grateful to you if the courier will call the door with fragrant boxes of hot dishes.

Warned - It means armed: Help with the choice of information

It would seem, now read information about parents - I do not want. But it is not enough to find answers to questions like "why instead of silicone toys a child eats the corner of the table," you need to understand how much you can believe. Decide to ask for help is also not easy.

We advise you to pay attention to the following projects.

Psychological assistance service for children, adolescents and parents.

Phone: 8-800-2000-122. Here you can anonymously talk about problems and ask for help.

The project of psychologists-volunteers, which in the conditions of a pandemic help people with anxiety.

Phone: 8-800-700-88-05.

The main thing, tell us about the resources without insistent, so that parents do not think that something is wrong with them.

Parents will free time, because sleep will not be: give a subscription

Jokes about parents and sleep seem funny ... while you do not appear a child. What to do mom and dad while they swing the bed among the night? You can listen to audiobooks, watch sports or cinema, where children fall asleep themselves. Good translation and quality content on subscription will be a pleasant bonus.

Parents love pleasant surprises: Collect the parcel

Just do not put all sorts of "useful" pieces like a bottle for feeding. Everything you need for a child with parents most likely already have. But to delight yourself they will forget often, so put in the package cosmetics, clothes of favorite brands, fruits, notepad with paintings by artists. In a word - let it be a parcel-reminder that life is not limited only to the parent.

That's what exactly does not prevent: Translate money

Usually, if we give money, we believe that a person just did not want to bother with the search for gifts. Friends with children - a different thing. The emergence of the child automatically means additional spending. Mom and dad always knowing what they need right now, so the friendly translation will definitely not hurt them.

Cleanliness Above all: Help Find Cleaning

Sit a minute in silence and brilliance of a clean apartment - such a pleasure will truly appreciate only moms and dads. General recommendations for cleaning an apartment, where there is a newborn baby, such: to clean once a day, and to make a big cleaning once a week (or twice, if there are pets in the house). Therefore, the master of purity on the threshold parents will also be glad as children by Santa Claus.

Support every day more important than beautiful gestures: do not forget to communicate

Even a short message or video call can be enough for the newly minted parents to feel lonely. After all, social isolation is what few people warn about moms and dads. Tell us about the latest news, the results of sports matches, but try not to give any tips (if you do not ask) and comments about the appearance or order in the house.

What messenger is better to choose to communicate? Everyone has their own preferences, but we advise you to pay attention to Viber. For two reasons.

The first - the messenger has many functions that will be really useful to parents.

You can hide chats and configure endangered messages (it is useful if you are discussing a surprise partner with friends), read messages so that another user does not see this ("Will you be baptized?" From grandmother), hide the time when you were online ("Ca , nevertheless, do you drink? ").

In Viber, you can communicate in group video chats, if you meet friends and relatives in a different way, it is not yet possible.

You can not worry about the safety of your correspondence or sent photos and videos, since all personal correspondence and calls are protected by end-to-end ciphering by default, and there is no access to them, except for the interlocutors. In addition, you can prohibit unfamiliar people to add you to chats if you do not want it.

If you have your photo with a child on your avatar - you can easily make a photo available only for your contacts by selecting the appropriate option in the Privacy section.

You can not only read messages and watch videos from friends, but also subscribe to news, interesting content in the media communities, favorite bloggers or brands. And in Viber, there are many useful chat bots, thanks to which you can not leav from home learning languages, communicate with psychologists, track delivery and much more.

The second reason - in Viber you can easily make your own stickerpak, which will accurately be popular in correspondence with your friends. What we took advantage!

In the corporate stickerpay chips journal, we collected all the characters of the parent. A child who in the morning climbs his mother as Everest to wake. Grandmother, who after a long persuasion agreed to be with the grandson (oh, this smell of freedom!). And of course, lifeless coffee.

See all of our link on the link, download it and send parents to parents - they will accurately appreciate!

Remember why normal mail is needed: Write a support letter

When was the last time you wrote or received a letter not e-mail, but by normal mail? Parents will be pleased to see a postcard with congratulations and read the words of support on paper, which can be saved and through time to find in the old album.

Sometimes young parents "Yes" are "no": show respect

For mom and dad, everything is in a novelty: the routine of the day, the behavior of the child and each other. They need time to get used to everything. Therefore, if parents disappeared on a month or another or agree to phoned reluctantly, do not be offended. This does not mean that your friendship is an end, just a desire to sleep with friends exceeds the desire to communicate.

When it was still possible to meet: Give (fit) gift

Sooner or later, the borders will open, all cold coffee will drink, the supply of diapers is finally designed correctly, the tummy will stop disturbing the baby and you will see friends again. What to give after a long separation? What parents will really use every day: an electronic reader, a sleep mask, a comfortable bag, a certificate for pleasant procedures. Do not forget about the child too: a comfortable combo, a lamp or a teether for teeth will never interfere.

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