On which diet was Natalia Krachkovskaya


Natalia Leonidovna Krachkovskaya - Soviet and Russian actress, deserved artist of the Russian Federation and an incredibly talented and charming woman. "100 kilograms of pleasure," as she said somehow her fan.

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Natalia Krachkovskaya - Soviet and Russian actress, deserved artist of the Russian Federation

Natalia Leonidovna knew how to live and love himself, without focusing on the secondary, was loved by her husband, had a lot of rehabils and admirers of her personality and creativity.

Natalia Leonidovna willingly gave an interview with the press and many times recognized that no longer sits on diets - all tough restrictions in the past. The actress told that in due time he tried a lot of techniques. There were in her life and resolving, and coffee diets, as well as vegetable, fruit, curds. Long for them for a long time, Krachkovskaya did not work (and there was no such goal) and the kilograms were recaptured again.

"Whatever I say, no matter how I am convinced - it is impossible to sit in a systematically on a diet. Sorry, it means to poison my life. But we have not so long, "the actress said.

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Natalia Krachkovskaya in youth

Krachkovskaya was convinced that diets would work, they need to stick constantly, and this is in most cases it is impossible, so the perfect choice is the right, balanced, competently composed nutrition. Natalia Leonidovna, Natalia, always loved to eat tasty, adored potatoes, pasta, dumplings, head soups, herds and honey, fresh berries.

The actress repeatedly said that he did not consider his weight "superfluous." Natalia Leonidovna has always been pleased with his appearance, moreover, she was just adored with her husband, who had never hinted his spouse for the fullness in his life. The directions were adhered to a similar opinion - she was simply forbidden to lose weight.

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Natalia Kratkovskaya in the picture "Ivan Vasilyevich is changing profession"

"I somehow starred from the French director, and he told me:" Madame, in no case do not lose its magnificent forms. It's fine!" And even Leonid Jovich Gaidai, laughing, said: "Natalia Leonidovna, if you are comfortable in this state, and live in it. Look at how much thinges goes, and such as you, alone! ", Natalia Leonidovna told.

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Natalia Krachkovskaya

Fullness even has their nice sides, told Krachkovskaya. "Look at thin, they have after 30 wrinkles on the face appear, and by 45 they have time to do for several suspenders ... I have a face - like an apple bulk - ruddy," actress said.

Rules of Slomens and Beauty from Natalia Kratkovskaya

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Natalia Kratkovskaya in the picture "Ivan Vasilyevich is changing profession"

Those who do not sit on diet, Natalia Leonidovna gave the following advice.

  1. In order not to recover, avoid flour, sweet and late dinners. You can eat everything, but in small quantities and not at night.
  2. But breakfast needed tightly, satisfying, said the actress. Not a gift There is a surcharge: "Eat breakfast myself, dinner is stripped with a friend, and dinner give the enemy."
  3. Do not smoke! Krachkovskaya assured that bad habits are the worst enemies of beauty. A woman abusing them has an earthy face and bad teeth. Do not try, do not start, advised the actress.
  4. No need to limit yourself strongly, you need to do it moderately and with the mind. What does it mean? Do not refuse since the same, just put less potatoes and more cabbage. Like sweet tea? Drink, but try a safe sugar substitute. You can't live without potatoes with herring? If occasionally, then you can. Only in the morning or day, not in the evening.
  5. Excellent body and soul facility - bath. Krachkovskaya advised to visit the pair as often as possible, just not on a full stomach. And for the skin, it is very useful to climb in the bath salt, it opens the pores well, makes the skin smooth, smooth, velvety.
  6. You need to lose weight gradually, otherwise the diet go to the detriment, the actress said.
  7. Finally, motor activity. We must try to spend more time outside the house, on the legs. It is difficult for the first time, the main thing is to start.
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Natalia Krachkovskaya

March 3, 2016 Great actress left ... Bright memory!

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