Apple almost closed the Apple Watch project in 2015. What happened?


Last December, the number of those who wear Apple Watch on their wrist exceeded 100 million. Now they are 102 or 103 million. Apple Watch enjoys every tenth iphone owner in the world, and in the USA - every third (35%). By the number of users from Apple Watch fourth place in Apple, after iPhone, Mac and iPad. But from 2015 to 2017, Apple Watch was called the most loud failure of the company, and they, according to absolutely reliable information from an extremely reliable source (almost from the words of Kevin Lynch, who headed the development of Apple Watch) were going to close. In fact, everything was not quite so.

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At first, Apple sold a special version of Apple Watch for 10,000 dollars

Apple Watch was introduced in September 2014, simultaneously with the iPhone 6. The presentation of smart watches hit their scope and pathos. The speech of Tim Cook was his best (at that time) by the performance. It was obvious that this project is very important for Apple, and that he is waiting for a lot from him. Reactions to the new Apple platform were very different - from admiration before rejection. Opinions did not matter, Apple Watch is one of those devices that can be understood and evaluated, only trying them. And to try them until April 2015 it was impossible.

The scope and pathos of the presentation were made for the expectation of hurricane sales, in fact, it was only the first large project of Tim Cook, almost an exam for his compliance with his position. And he posted on full. In addition, Apple Watch has created non-indifferent people. The device did not pull the role of the next iPhone, but such a goal before its creators was not set - and on his presentation and did not hide this: Apple Watch was plotted as a peripheral device for the iPhone, without which they are almost useless.

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At first, Apple sold three clock modules: sports, stainless steel and version of Edition - and from gold for 10,000 dollars

Apple Watch Sales Start

The beginning of the sales of Apple Watch disappointed all. And those who dreamed about the next triumph of the favorite company, and those who hoped that Apple will finally fall with a deafening crackle, and that it will be the beginning of its end.

From April 10, on Apple Watch it was possible to place a pre-order. From April 10 to April 24, a million clock instances was ordered.

The accumulated reserves lacked. Apple Watch started in retail sales started later than was promised. And there were no external signs of triumph. On the day when the clock began to be sold in retail, queues at the entrances to Apple stores before they were discovered, but liquid and unconvincing. Apple Watch bought, but without much approach. It was neither a failure nor triumph. Information that Jonathan Aiv asked for resignation, which became known to the media, tied up with his disappointment in the project in which he had invested the soul. As a result, after a few years, Aiv has nevertheless left Apple, but for other reasons.

Apple was silent about the number of Apple Watch sold. It was perceived as an attempt to hide the truth unpleasant for Apple. By the way, about a million hours ordered in the first six hours, also said not she, the information reprinted hundreds of publications, the source is unknown. Silence is not gold at all.

Apple kept silence and, by rumors, even thought about closing the project. How much she managed to sell Apple Watch until the end of 2015, still unknown. According to information from an unknown source, in 2015, for 8 months of their sales, Apple Watch has become the most selling smart clocks in the world. Apple was silent, but the number of Apple Watch sold was interested in the public - and they were reported. Different sources were called different numbers. Ranging from several million pieces to 34.7 million. The periphery for the iPhone was accused of almost complete helplessness in the absence of iPhone. This is the same as accused the laser printer is that there is no keyboard on it (and you can not print on the typewriter) and the touch screen with a stylus.

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Sales Apple Watch 2015 - 2020

According to its channels (financial analysts have effective channels of obtaining accurate information), the Nile Sybart expert collected Apple Watch information is not one hundred percent truth, but very close to it. The number of Apple Watch owners from 2015 to 2020 changed like this:

Apple almost closed the Apple Watch project in 2015. What happened? 17681_3
The number of Apple Watch users began to grow strongly since 2017

In 2015, ten million Apple Watch was sold. Those who do not like Apple strongly said that 2.5 or 3 million. Apple Watch, despite Apple's desire to their independence, still peripherals for the iPhone. The percentage of iPhone owners, which use Apple Watch, is hardly the most important indicator of their success and popularity. This is how this indicator changed over the years:

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It is not surprising that in 2015-2016, Apple thought about closing the project

It can be seen that the owners of the iPhone did not particularly want to buy hours in 2015-2016, but then "typked." It is not surprising that Apple first thought to quit everything. It is good that there were reasonable people in the company.

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