"There was no luck. But there must be something more than luck ": Yuri Milner about principles, investments and space


The main thing from a large interview with the founder of the DST Global project "Russian rules".

The physicist became an entrepreneur and an investor - is it good?

Why, after studying in the US, Milner returned to Russia

What started by Mail.Ru

From where Milner took money to create Mail.Ru

Why it did not work out to merge Mail.Ru and Yandex

Why Milner believes in the Brothers Durov and their projects

For an interview, Milner several times noted the success of Paul and Nikolay Durov and their projects. Once he invested in the social network "VKontakte", and in 2019 he invested the Telegram Messenger and the development of the TON Blockchain-platform, which Durov had to collapse due to the claims of the regulator in the United States.
  • "The only attempt to go beyond the Russian-speaking Internet is Telegram. I think that with our Russian intellectual potential we could claim more. Even with Pavel Durov, we had conversations about building a social network outside of Russia, at the level of Vkontakte.
  • "If there was no" VKontakte "in Russia, it would hardly be invested on Facebook. [Investment in "VKontakte"] is in a sense an analytical approach and geographical arbitration. At that time, Facebook already existed, and we were looking for the closest analogue in Russia. "VKontakte" was exactly a close and successful analogue, at that time even technologically advanced than Facebook, as it turned out. The team of the Brothers Durovsky, of course, was an outstanding team. "

Milner invested in WhatsApp already after the sale of the Facebook messenger - how he succeeded

What is the main thing in the founders of startups

Why startups are a biological project and "New" Yandex, Mail.Ru and Ozon may appear

Why Milner invests outside Russia and in which countries is concentrated by DST Global now

DST does not invest in startups, which are focused only on the Russian market. In the same way, investors and organizations from Russia have not participate in the DST funds since 2013.

According to Milner, DST invests approximately $ 1.5 billion per year. In terms of regions, investments are distributed as follows:

  • 40% of investments in China.
  • 40% in America.
  • 20% in India and Europe and Latin America.

How Milner ventured Mail.Ru and invested in Facebook in 2009

How managed to convince Zuckerberg

How DST is suitable for investment

DST invested in five of eight companies in the technological sector, the capitalization of which exceeded $ 100 billion

Among the companies with capitalization more than $ 10 billion DST invested about half of them

Main error DST - do not notice the trend on time and not to invest

Why look for extraterrestrial civilizations

"Cosmos as a premonition," the first phrase that Milner says when it comes to his project for finding life outside the Earth.

In 2015, the investor, together with his wife, Julia launched the search program for the search for extraterrestrial civilizations Breakthrough Initiatives. The ideological inspirer became Stephen Hawking.

Under this program, Milner launched several projects:

  • Breakthrough Listen - Search for optical and radio signals from extraterrestrial civilizations. The project is designed for 10 years, its budget is $ 100 million.
  • Breakthrough Starshot - Development of the concept of the fleet of probes traveling between stars with light sails. The volume of investments at the first stage is $ 100 million.
  • Life search in Venus clouds. Milner will finance the work of a group consisting of physicists, astronomers, chemists and engineers. The volume of investments is not yet defined.

What is Milner writes a book

# Yurymilner # Russcoenorm

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