Russian celebrities that do not communicate with parents


It's no secret that

Celebrities are interesting to many, and the fans carefully observe them. In the form of even the most unsightly sides of their lives remain in sight. It turns out that some stars simply do not support

With your relatives.

Nastasya Samburskaya

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Actress and TV presenter for several years has not supported communications with relatives - with mom, dad and brother. It turns out that Nastasya holds offense to relatives. The thing is that the father and mother could not give her in his youth to give the necessary, in her opinion, proper education and education.

Already in childhood, Nastasya was very independent, could calmly walk at night along the streets of the city, even got acquainted with foreign people, so as not to walk alone. The girl began to live independently from 16 years old, and she does not want to remember his childhood.

I would like to note that the surname girl took not a parent. In the magnitude of Nastasya was Terechova, at the age of 15 she left the hometown to get the profession of the hairdresser. There she lived in relatives, just by the surname Sambursk. They also lived very well, Uncle was sitting in a colony for sales and storage of drugs. But, according to the TV presenter, this surname is much better than Terekhov.

Alexandra Tabakova

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The daughter of the famous actor Oleg Tabakov from the first marriage refused to communicate with the dad due to the fact that Oleg Pavlovich decided to create a new family with a young actress Marina Zudina. At that moment, the girl was 29 years old, and Tabakov decided that he brought up his children and had the right to be happy in marriage with a new beloved. For several years, journalists were told that his father came up with her daughter, only a girl did not appear on his father's anniversary. Oleg Tabakov himself reported in the media that this information is not true. This topic to conversate the actor was unpleasant.

Alexander Malinin

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Some media published articles about the fact that allegedly Nikolai Malinin, the father of the famous singer Alexander survived the stroke. Currently, the Son with the Father does not communicate, but Nikolai still asked Alexander to come to him. But despite this request, the singer did not want to come. According to the wife of the singer - Alexander simply does not believe that his father at death and may soon die. Nevertheless, the Son fully paid for the Treatment of the Father and soon plans to fly to Yekaterinburg to meet with Pope.

Relationships did not work out with Alexander Malinina himself with his own son - Nikita. After the glory that the young man received on a famous song project, he left the group, and began his solo career. This he seriously glanced his father.

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Svetlana Hodchenkova

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Svetlana Khodchenkova also for several years does not support the connection with the Father. It turns out that Viktor Khodchenkova is bad with finances, he cannot afford to make repairs in his apartment, he constantly floods. The actress does not want to help, she threw offense at his father, because he did not raise her. Mother Svetlana coped alone.

In addition, grandmother from the father's side was categorically against the wedding of his own son with a future daughter-in-law. The mother-in-law constantly reproached Tatyana Khodchenkov, and Viktor was absolutely anyway, which is happening between relatives. Ultimately, mom and baby simply fled. During the year, Victor did not remember a small one-year-old daughter, but, after a while, the drunk came to ask for forgiveness from his wife, that's just Tatiana could not forgive the former husband. After 14 years, the situation repeatedly, but 15-year-old Svetlana flatly refused to talk to Viktor Khodchenkov.

Natalia Fateeva

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The famous actress was not able to establish relations with any of his children. She left her older daughter in Kharkov, when he studied at the theater school. After studying, Natalia went to Moscow, and his daughter was brought up with her grandparents. I remembered Fateeva about my daughter only when it was divorced with my husband Boris Egorov. In order not to divide the apartment in Moscow, the girl wrote out a daughter from Kharkov and spelled in Moscow.

Only after the actress realized that her husband had no species of apartment, she sent her daughter back to Ukraine. Natalia Fateeva also did not love the younger daughter, and after her grandson appeared, forced him to give him to the orphanage. Having learned about it, the Son decided to refuse such a mother.

Stepan Dzhigarkhanyan

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The adoptive son of Gigarhahanyna Stepan also did not communicate with the adoptive father. This is the son of the former wife Armen Borisovich. Despite this, Gigarchhanyan brought up a boy, officially adopted him and gave him his surname. Only now 18 years ago, a scandal happened in the theater, and after that, communication between his father and the Son stopped. According to Stepan, the whole thing is in the difficult character of his star dad.

Of course, Armen Borisovich loved to chop off his shoulder, and thus excused the boy from the family. And then Dzhigarkhanyan-Sr. learned that the foster son likes to spend time in the casino. And this information only increased the abyss between men.

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Ksenia Borodina

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With native brother Nikita and close relatives, the well-known TV presenter Ksenia Borodin has not been communicating for 7 years. Previously, the leading "House-2" very closely communicated with his brother. Now they are completely different people for each other.

Surname Borodin got the lead from the mother. For more than 16, Ksenia went under the name of AMO, but decided to change it. As a child, the girl loved her father very much, but at one moment he offended her strongly. The divorce of the parents came at the moment when the little Ksyusha was only 1 year old. Mom was married to the Italian for the second time, and his father did not pay much attention to the baby. But radically deteriorated only after the 16th birthday of Ksyusha.

The girl invited friends for the holiday, but his father offered her to meet, because of which the holiday was canceled. As a result, the man did not come. After offended, Ksenia changed the surname and flatly refused to communicate with relatives.

Anna Schulgin

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The daughter of the singer Valeria, born in the first marriage, absolutely does not feel any feelings for his own father. Alexander Shulgin is indifferent to her. She reported this after she accidentally met him and experienced hostility towards him.

The meeting occurred at Fashion Week. The father approached Anna and looked at her direction as an evaluating look. I didn't like such a look like that he looked at his own daughter, but for his girlfriend not known to him.

I would like to recall that after the parents of Anna divorced, his father stopped communicating with his relatives. Alexander tried to establish relationships, and chose an obviously wrong approach - threats. Throughout the time, the girl considers his native father of the second husband Valeria, with whom they have wonderful relationships.

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