Best striped tomatoes


    Good afternoon, my reader. What do striped tomatoes differ from ordinary? First, they contain few acids and a lot of sugar, so they look like more fruit than a vegetable. Secondly, for conservation, striped tomatoes are not suitable, they are needed in a fresh form.

    Best striped tomatoes 17644_1
    The best varieties of striped tomatoes Maria Verbilkova

    Striped chocolate. (Photo used from

    We made up the top best varieties of striped varieties. All of them have a high index of yield and immunity to diseases.

    The variety created American breeders, refers to the secondary. It is best to boil and grows in greenhouses, has immunity to basic tomato diseases.

    With good care, the bushes of the tomato grow high (up to 2 meters), the leaves form a little, the crown does not spread out, but it is necessary to packing. Forming a bush is needed in two stems.

    The fruits ripen large (from 300 to 600 grams), painted in a saturated-red color with an orange sampling, made by dark green stripes and strokes. Tomatoes are not prone to cracking, the pulp has a burgundy color, the taste is very sweet, juicy. Well tolerate transportation and can be stored for a long time.

    The variety brought Russian breeders, refers to the secondary. You can grow both in greenhouses and in the open soil. Like striped chocolate, is protected from standard diseases of tomatoes.

    In the greenhouses, the plant in height grows up to 0.71 cm, but in the open ground slightly lower. The stem is formed strong, produces many leaves. To form a bush is necessary in three stems.

    Tomatoes received its name because of a special form, they look like peppers with long nose (weigh from 80 to 120 grams). Mature tomatoes are poured with bright red with golden winding stripes. The skin is dense, does not crack, so they are well tolerated transportation and are stored for a long time. The flesh is juicy and literally sugar taste.

    These tomatoes are in principle suitable for preservation, but there are them better in the fresh form.

    American average tomato grow in a greenhouse is not subject to illness and infections. On average, it reaches 1.8 meters in height, you can make up two and four stems.

    Best striped tomatoes 17644_2
    The best varieties of striped tomatoes Maria Verbilkova

    Large orange striped tomato. (Photo used from the site

    Tomatoes have a slightly indiscriminate shape, large, weigh to 600 grams. Color have orange with pronounced pink or yellow stripes. They also have a two-color pulp, taste are very sweet. Suitable for salads and sauces.

    Russian high-yielding grade is equally growing well in greenhouses and in beds. The plant grows powerful, high (up to 1.6 meters), form better in two stems.

    The fruits ripen small (up to 70 grams), painted into light red color with bright yellow or orange stripes. The flesh is very juicy, tasty, sour-sweet. These tomatoes can be preserved and in the fresh form, also well tolerate freezing.

    American mid-spring variety, unpretentious and high-yielding. In the greenhouses grows up to 2 meters, it is necessary to design in two stems.

    The fruits of this variety are large and flat (weighing up to 350 grams), the color has a red-brown, strips of green-silver. These tomatoes are especially good for the manufacture of juices and sauce, as they have a very saturated taste.

    Best striped tomatoes 17644_3
    The best varieties of striped tomatoes Maria Verbilkova

    Tomatoes. (Photo used by standard license ©

    An unpretentious Russian grade is well tolerated the temperature differences, so it can grow in the open soil. Usually, the bush reaches 1.2 meters in growth, grows in the greenhouse slightly higher.

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