Incentives of various hemispheres


Incentives of various hemispheres 1763_1 - Futures on the S & P 500 again beats about the plank 3900 p. - And, since today he went to her from 3820 p., Then everything looks very positive. By the way, if someone suddenly interesting: Gamestop shares are worth $ 240 again. However, world stock markets are growing, then a much more moderate pace - and in China in general, the sale on the background of the campaign announced by the Government for the fight against the observed "debt explosion" is continued.

But the US Senate accepted the $ 1.9 trillion support package for $ 1.9 trillion discussed since October, with minor amendments: the allowance for unemployment benefits was cut off from $ 1.6 thousand to $ 1.2 thousand per month - and already tonight the package may be Approved finally. True, to finance a package will have to sell state bonds again - today the Ministry of Finance exposed a three-year-old $ 58 billion to the market, and the yield of medium-term papers has grown quite noticeable. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow in line 10-year-old and 30-year-old.

It is worth reminding that the price that was observed on the eve of $ 70 per barrel Brent was not called "stimulating for the economy". And maybe from this point of view, it is not surprised that in the evening he was already worth $ 67.5.

"Indices supported the adoption of a package of stimulating the economy and, according to polls, the intention of many young Americans to invest money in stocks," says the investment strategist of the Criminal Code, Sergey Soverev. - At the same time, oil is clearly overbought, prices broke away from the fundamental characteristics, and yesterday's growth could be associated with the next attack on the plant in Saudi Arabia - and this is known, the factor is short-term. Demand recovered not so much, and many storage facilities are still filled. "

Everything is fine in Russia. To stimulate the fight against inflation, the government published a list of everything that can rise sharply. It fell food, tobacco and alcohol, but also furniture, perfumery, clothing, shoes, transportation, treatment, communication, building materials, gasoline, training, accommodation in hotels (up to five stars) and even personal computers - that is, actually, everything and fell. All these prices will be monitored and, if that, they will be reacted. It is assumed to respond quickly, so it is hardly about creating new productions, and to expect readiness to increase imports from the Russian government, especially strange. But it is possible to stimulate the producers without raising prices by personal conversation, and their growth is sometimes slowed down with a decrease in solvent demand - good, both options have been tested more than once.

Against the background of the growth of oil quotes, the Mosbier index has grown by 1.89%, the RTS index is 2.38%. The ruble again strengthened - by 21.00 MSC, the dollar rate decreased by 26.5 kopecks. up to 73.93 rubles. However, a noticeable strengthening ended in the middle of the day, as soon as the course crossed the border in 74 rubles.

"The oil is cheaper today, but it has become quite high in the last two months, it supports the ruble. At the same time, there is a high yield of American treasury bonds, provoking capital outflow from emerging markets. In the stock market, we see the smoothing of metallurgists and fertilizer manufacturers in oil paper - this happens not only from us. While it works, but soon, together with the correction of oil prices, there may be an inverse movement, "Sergey Svevov continues. - Ruble, playing out the past rise in price of oil, in the next week it can strengthen up to 73 per dollar, and the stocks will move in detail in sectors, and indexes will most likely not show clear speakers. "

(The text has prepared Daniel Zagananov)

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