What states in different times belonged to the Crimea?


What states at different times owned by the peninsula? That is, not all sorts of tribes that have once seen not the Peninsula of the Crimea, but state entities with all the state attributes. And only it is possible to find out - and what is the history of the Crimea, and what rights can make some or other countries on it.

So, the "state" history of the Crimea begins with ancient Greece. Actually, another 100 thousand years before the ancient Greeks during the Paleolithic, Neanderthals lived on the peninsula, but, due to the fact that they were all extinct, to claim themselves.

What states in different times belonged to the Crimea? 17625_1

So what kind of states in different times belonged to the Crimea?

Greeks appeared in Crimea, they formed their colonies in the seaside regions of the peninsula and founded such cities like Panticapey (Kerch) and Chersonese (Sevastopol), as well as a number of others. True, all these Greeks were from different Greek states, but, nevertheless, they came to practically not populated lands, and this implies the ownership of them by the metropolis, and not just some self-creation.

In those days, the Scythians lived in the steppe part of the Crimea, which, however, did not have them, and they interacted with the Greeks in the field of trade, occasionally, however, solving all sorts of arms disputes.

Very soon "colonial" Greeks decided to separate from their metropolies and formed two states in Crimea - independent politically and almost independent economically. The first was called Chersonese Tauride and was located in the western part of the Crimea, the second - Bosporus Kimmerysky, in the eastern part of the Crimea, including the Western regions of the current Krasnodar Territory (for some reason today, modern Ukrainians claim). It should be said that the Crimean Scythians (not to be confused with "wild" "continental" Scythians!) Under the influence of the Greeks, it was very quickly civilized and founded something similar to the state in the north of Crimea (Tsarist Scythia) with the capital in Naples (under the current Simferopol) .

However, at the end of the first century BC. e. Romans came to the Crimea and joined him to the Roman Empire together with all states that existed there. They arranged in this blooming region of the Mediterranean base of their eastern fleet and launched quite active activities. In particular, they built good roads and erected the city of Chas (in the area of ​​Alupka), which, however, was considered a military camp, and in fact he was a fortress, the remnants of which are quite well preserved to this day. Also at later Romans in Crimea, Christianity spread very widely.

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After the collapse of the Roman Empire in Crimea invaded all kinds of goths and humans, but very soon - after 100 years - the Crimea begins to subordinate the Byzantine Empire. Byzantine Greeks, the Byzantine Greeks began to cast out savages from the areas conquered by them and build cities to the fact that they were built by the Greeks with ancient. So, in the 6th century new cities appear - Gurzuf, Sudak and some others.

However, the Byzantines did not have time to capture the Crimea, since Bulgarians came from the north, who had come from the Volga, and began to build their Turkic kaganate at the residues of the royal Scythian in the Crimean steppes, which, when replacing the Bulgarian Khazara, turned into Khazar Kaganat. Thus, Christianity dominated the southern part of Crimea, but Judaism was brought to the Crimea.

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However, by the beginning of the II, Millennium, our era in the Crimea there was significant changes. In the 10th century, the Russians became interested in these peninsula, they entered it, defeated the Khazar kaganat, consistently captured the pentantapes (which at that time was already called Bosporus), and then Chersonese. In the former Bosporian kingdom, they formed the Tmutarakan principality dependent on Kiev, and Chersonese was returned back to the Byzantine with the condition of compliance with the loyalty of Byzantium to Kievan Rus. We will not forget that Prince Vladimir was baptized in Chersonese, where he was "Svetoka" a new religion in the rest of Russia. But in the east of the Crimea, the Russians remained until the end of the XI century, when Kerch again captured the Byzantines, and then they intercepted her the Genometers, gave the Mediterranean in search of the most convenient exit to the Great Silk Road.

In about the XII century, a partial decay of the Byzantine Empire began, and the eastern part of the Crimea captured the Venetians, and then the Genoese pounded them, founding their semi-state ownership on the southern shore. At the same time, the Orthodox State of Theodore was formed in the western part of the peninsula with the capital in Mangul (the old fortress of those times was preserved there. The whole northern part captured the Mongols who came to Russia, including her in the Golden Horde.

All other state and semi-state (colonial) territories have been existed in their original form until 1475, when, after the capture of Constantinople, Ottomans did not come to Crimea and did not drive all the rulers from it. In the north they founded the Allies of the Crimean Khanate for their "intertwined" in Islam, and all southern lands were included in the newly formed Ottoman Empire.

What states in different times belonged to the Crimea? 17625_4

Well, the further "state" history of the Crimea is well known. At the end of the XVIII century, Russians were kicked out of the Crimea of ​​the Turks, eliminating all their Crimean colonial possessions, they also abolished the Crimean Khanate. Crimea became more than a century to become part of the Russian Empire, then he moved "by inheritance" to the USSR, then to Ukraine, and today it belongs to the Russian Federation.

In conclusion, it should be said that during the millennium in Crimea there were many of all sorts of peoples, and almost direct their descendants founded several major ethnic groups living on the peninsula now. The most monolithic groups of Russians, Greeks and Armenians are the most monolith, but the Tatars represent such a hello mixture of nations that even those tatars that live in other parts of Eurasia, they do not accept them. Perhaps the only indigenous people of Crimea could be called Neanderthals who appeared in the Crimea before all. But who will be able to find them now?

Message What states in different times belonged to the Crimea? appeared first on Arkady Ilyukhin.

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