Amendments to the Criminal Code, Code of Criminal Procedure, labor and electoral legislation will contribute within two months

Amendments to the Criminal Code, Code of Criminal Procedure, labor and electoral legislation will contribute within two months 17618_1

Changes to legislation associated with the domestic political situation in the country will be prepared and submitted in the near future. This was announced by the journalists Deputy Secretary of State Security Council Alexander Rakhmanov, BelTA reports.

According to him, the participants of the meeting at Alexander Lukashenko considered questions about the improvement of national legislation and the possibility of its actualization to the future, in order to "it timely and promptly responded to any challenges and threats, for example, with which our country faced in the second half of 2020."

Among such challenges and threats, he called, in particular, the mass events that were redefined into disobedience, resistance to law enforcement officers. Such events were attracted by minors. There were cases of blocking transport communications, calls for strikes in various organizations, enterprises, institutions, the widespread dissemination of unregistered symbolism, collecting and disseminating personal data on personality, and not only about civil servants, but also other people who are engaged in an active civil position. These data were transmitted and used in other people for insults and threats.

"Of course, all this is unacceptable," the Deputy State Secretary stated. - In accordance with the concept of national security, ineffectiveness, imperfection of current legislation, its inability to respond in a timely manner and reacted to emerging risks, challenges and threats are unacceptable.

In his opinion, in order to continue to prevent this, it is necessary to make appropriate changes to the administrative, criminal, criminal procedure and electoral legislation.

Alexander Rakhmanov stressed that proposals for legislation will be prepared immediately and accepted soon. For this work, the head of state has determined the minimum time.

- During the first quarter of 2021, the necessary changes in our national legislation will be made, he said.

As it became known in the results of the meeting, the changes will be made, in particular, to the Criminal Code and the Labor Code - in order to stop calls for strikes. The audit of the Extremism Act, the adoption of the law on the prevention of the heroization of Nazism, strengthening the protection of personal data, as well as protection against aggressive attacks to judges, law enforcement officers, journalists, other social groups.

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