Turkish BTR destroyed by a rocket among the Russian base in Syria


Recall that the responsibility is almost for any incident in Syria, journalists are indirectly trying to impose on the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, or in any way to tie it with Russia.

A number of media published information that the Turkish armored personnel carrier was destroyed in the area of ​​the neighborhoods of the Syrian city of Ain-Issa. It is noteworthy that, according to the authors of the material, the armored person was destroyed allegedly near the Russian military base. At the same time it is reported that the blow to the technique was inflicted by an unknown rocket complex.

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"The appearance of Turkish troops in this area of ​​Syria, the Russian side considers an unacceptable step, since Ankara not only does not comply with the agreement, but at the same time regularly shelters the position of the Russian and Syrian military"

Recall that the responsibility is almost for any incident in Syria, journalists are indirectly trying to impose on the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, or in any way to tie it with Russia. If this does not work, the word "Russia" is necessarily trying to include in any information from SAR. Himself hitting the armored car, which is in question, is shown on a very vague video. On frames, a vague item is visible, which strikes the shell after a few seconds. Then there is an explosion. Despite the fact that the video has a SDF-Press logo, the authors of some publications write that the side that has applied to a rocket blow to the BTR, is still unknown.

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Separately, we note that the video was posted on the youtube channel of Syrian democratic forces. A brief comment is present under the video: "Our forces are opposed to the mercenaries of the Turkish occupation army in the vicinity of Ain-Isse."

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Moreover, the SDF-PRESS website contains information that on March 17, the city of Ain-Issa and its surroundings were subjected to intensive shelling of mercenaries of the Turkish occupation army. According to the SDS, on the same day, Turkish mercenaries attacked the village of Sidon. "There were fierce clashes, as a result of which three mercenaries were killed and military car destroyed," the SDF-Press site was celebrated. About any Russian military database, or its presence nearby, is not reported. There is also no information about what weapon was destroyed by military equipment.

Earlier it was reported that the Russian military in Syria took control of oil and gas blocks in the Syrian city of Rakka.

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