Why is the sea horse floats "standing"?

Why is the sea horse floats

We all know how to float fish - mostly ahead head, horizontally. But in the world there is an amazing underwater being, which moves "standing", vertically. This is a seahorse, and it has certain reasons for such an uncharacteristic method of movement.

Sea skates - description and lifestyle

Sea horse - a small jumping dweller. It is noteworthy that it is a changed fish-needle. Now is considered a rare species. Obcomers live in natural conditions about 4-5 years.

Against the background of other species has non-standard appearance. The body resembles a chess piece. The spikes, grown around the perimeter. The body structure allows hiding from natural enemies, to remain unnoticed among plants.

An animal has small fins, a spiral tail, and the eyes rotate separately, not synchronously. There is no single color, since the fish may arbitrarily change it. Dimensions - 4-25 cm. The main difference from other marine inhabitants is a vertical method of moving.

Why is the sea horse floats
Sea Konch grabbed the tail for the plant

The skates population is rapidly reduced for various reasons. The main factor is human activity. It is known about the existence of 57 species. 30 of them are listed in the Red Book. The only thing that saves the skates from the disappearance is fertility. The female is able to produce about 1000 fry at a time.

Habitat area - subtropical and tropical regions. Sea Konk prefers coastal areas or small depths. Behaves lowactively. Sens among algae, other underwater vegetation. As a rule, the tail of the horse "grabs" corals and algae, depending on this position.

It feeds in main shrimps and races. The tubular sniff captures production. Eating these animals a lot for their sizes, and the hunt for them can take almost a day. This process occurs as follows: the horse captures the tail of the algae or the coral, freezes, and when the mining sails, quickly grabs it.

An interesting fact: sea skates have no stomach. All that they eat is absorbed very quickly and also rapid waste. In order not to be constantly hungry, they are forced to eat a lot.

Surprise these animals and the method of reproduction. Often you can meet the monogamous pairs of these fish. The female and the male cling to tails and perform the marriage dancing in the water. Having hacked the Malka male.

How does the sea horse swim?

The movement of skates in the water looks quite original - vertically. It's all about the swimming bubble that other fish has. However, the skate this bubble consists of two parts. The first is located in the head, the second is in the trouser. Moreover, it is much harder than the head part, and outweighs the animal, forcing you to swim vertically.

Why is the sea horse floats
Sea Skate Male

Interesting fact: Sea skates are ancient animals. Paleontologists found fossil remains of these fish whose age is approximately 13 million years.

Skates float awkwardly. It is done with the help of three small fins, but ahead pushes only one - the dorsal. The two remaining gill fin serve to choose the direction and maintain equilibrium. When scared, fish can accelerate, while the speed of movement of the fins reaches 35 cracks per second.

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