Five-year chess genius recorded a video in the Minister

Five-year chess genius recorded a video in the Minister 17598_1

The five-year-old Dima Crimean from Tomsk turned to the Minister of Sports. The problem is that in his years a boy one after another wins chess tournaments. Coaches say that it is very apparent, but by virtue of age he cannot be given a discharge, and without him, meetings with more serious rivals are simply impossible.

Children's immediacy, probably, the main trump card of the 5-year-old Dima. He still does not know what to collect Rubik's cube in 40 minutes is a great achievement, and 13 thousand solvable tasks in the tactical simulator for chess players are a certain record. Therefore, the sensational appeal to the Minister of Sports of Russia Oleg Matycin for the boy is not a move of a horse, but the usual request for an adult for help, when he occurred, in his opinion, injustice. Dima did not give the third youthful discharge, because it is still too small.

Dima Krymsky: "Dear Minister of Sports, I participated in the chess championship on weekends. I won four parties from seven there, I was given a diploma, but did not give the third youthful discharge. I think it is unfair. "

It was the championship of the Tomsk region in chess for children under 9 years old. Dima became the youngest of the participants and was among the strongest, but without official recognition. According to the rules, those who are under 7 years old, the discharge is not awarded. Dima upsets not the lack of discharge, but the fact that without it cannot be participating in other tournaments with equal in the level of rivals.

Inna Morozova, coach for Chess Chess №7: "All programs are designed for a five-year-old age. There are children who very quickly assimilate the program, it becomes boring. It is important to submit the material in such a way that every child goes on its trajectory, it was customized, because chess is in any case an individual game. "

It's like black and white, confirms a well-deserved master of sports and a repeated world champion in different disciplines Sergey Karyakin. He better knows many that the child can, while he wants. Karyakin became the youngest grandmaster in the history of Chess, his name was made to the Guinness Book of Records with a clear indication of the age - 12 years and 211 days. Having learned the story of Dima, the famous chess player supported his appeal.

Sergey Karyakin, Grossmaster: "I know, as it is important to fulfill the desired discharge as soon as possible. I performed the first time on my seven-year day, it gave me a big impulse and push forward. I am sure that if you do not ignore your hands, continue to do and win tournaments, then everything will be with you. I wish to become a grandmaster at least, or even the world champion. Good luck! "

He opened his account in one of the main parties to the minister, Little Dima does not recognize - he just wants to defeat her older brother first, then all the rivals in tournaments, including because for every victory on He receives pocket money from his parents. Their boy sails on a new designer, who in his life in second place after chess.

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