How to removed the "predator": who actor who played it


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How to removed the
Today, cinematographers have a great reception. Called Motion Capture. This is when different sensors hang on the actor, and its movements are digitized. And these movements are transferred to a computer model.

Thus, you can play anyone: Hollum, monkey, dinosaur. And in the process, it is even possible to change the character design without special costs. Green background, beams. And all: you can reincarnate.

How to removed the

But earlier I had to pull the costumes from latex, wool, plastic and iron. Agree, there is nothing easier - I pulled the costume, and play yourself, spinning in front of the camera! But in the recently published archival video from the filming of the "predator" is visible in a naked eye: just run in a suit in front of the camera - it will be not enough.

How to removed the

Here is the fact: in the first and second "predator", the monster was moving quickly, agile and elegant. In the following, he simply ran back and forth: no trace left behind the past animal grace. And the merit is in this actor Kevin Peter Hall. In the classic dilogy he shot. And then invited ordinary cascade. And they obviously did not reach the standards defined by the Hall.

Kevin has a very modest track record: the films in his career barely will like a couple of dozens. In most, it is a thriller or horror, such as "predator". But there is one family comedy "Harry and Henderson".

Kevin - lanky, thin African American. He is a former basketball player. And also the dancer and lover of pantomime. In other words, he knew how to manage his body so as to be able to depict a foreign creature alien to us.

How to removed the

As mentioned above, he also played in Harry and Henderson, a foolish comedy about how the family found and sheltered a snowy man. Of course, Kevin played here the Harry himself: Dollaney Yetti.

How to removed the

Unfortunately, Kevin Peter did not live to the present day: left at the age of 3 years due to HIV in 1991. However, he could be much more famous than the same Andy Surkis today (boyfriend, King Motion Capture; He played Gulum and others Characters, giving them gestures and facial expressions).

And let him few people remember in the face, but the image created by Kevin will remain forever in the mass culture.

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