Iron Court - Health in the Garden brought


    Good afternoon, my reader. Fighting pests - an important stage of work in the garden. Insects, bacterial diseases, mold and fungus - do not have to settle in your site. And it will help to get rid of them a simple iron vigor.

    Iron Court - Health in the Garden brought 17570_1
    Iron Campanery - Health in the garden brought Maria Verbilkova

    Iron Court - Mineral Fungicide and Rich Iron Source

    For planting plants and soils in the garden often use iron vigor. But so that cultures in the process of using the substance are not injured, you need to know how to make it right.

    Iron sulfate is contained in a powder at a concentration of 53%, it is diluted with water and is used to treat plants. There are strictly according to the instructions.

    There are two ways to process the garden with iron vigor

    • spraying;
    • whitewash.

    Spray garden trees, shrubs and plants need 2 times a year. The first time in the early spring, before the appearance of green leaves on branches. As soon as the first kidneys appear on the branches, immediately conduct processing. The second time is carried out in the fall, after the harvest is assembled and foliage.

    Iron Court - Health in the Garden brought 17570_2
    Iron Campanery - Health in the garden brought Maria Verbilkova

    Blooming should be spent 2 times a year. The first is in the spring, immediately after the departure of the snow. Iron vitrel is bred in aluminum bucket with warm water. This solution should handle the trunks of all trees in the garden and, if possible, shrubs. The second processing is carried out in the fall, after harvesting.

    Iron vigor has a wide range of action. It is important to use this solution correctly, and then it will benefit, and not harm to garden plants.

    1. Treatment of garden trees and shrubs should be carried out in dry warm weather. Better in the evening.
    2. If moss grew up on the trunks of the trees, there is mold or other fungal diseases, then before processing it should be removed, it should be removed by a special device. If autumn after processing lichens did not fall, repeat the procedure again. Please note that there must be at least 2 weeks after the first processing. Moss must dry, bark become clean.
    3. Saplings after planting are also necessary to process. Only in this case it is necessary to reduce the concentration.
    4. The vitrios is used not only for treatment, but also in preventive purposes. Even if there is no pest in your garden, he is not infected with anything, none of the pests settled, treat your favorite plants. It will not be worse.
    5. Fungicide is also used when processing cuts of trunks, cracks and those places where there is no bark.
    Iron Court - Health in the Garden brought 17570_3
    Iron Campanery - Health in the garden brought Maria Verbilkova

    When carrying out treatment with an iron mood, observe the following security rules:

    • Treatment in rubber gloves, headdress, eyes must protect garden glasses;
    • the container in which the solution was bred, well and leave for ventilation;
    • During the treatment of garden plants, make sure that the pets do not walk. Tool relatively harmful, and pets are very curious. Release them from the shelter 10-12 hours after processing;
    • If the solution got on the skin, thoroughly rinse this section with running water.

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