In Poland, 11 deaths were recorded as a result of complications. How is the vaccination against COVID-19 in Belarus?


Cases of complications after the Vaccine "Satellite V" in Belarus are not yet marked, Deputy Minister of Health - Chief State Sanitary Physician Alexander Tarasenko on the air of the ONT channel

In Poland, 11 deaths were recorded as a result of complications. How is the vaccination against COVID-19 in Belarus? 17552_1

"If we speak in a whole country, then there were no complications among vaccinated today. Yes, the reactions were catarrhal, subfebrile temperature, weakness, but ... manifestations in the form of serious complications were not noted, and this is actually so, "said Tarasenko.

The chief sanitary doctor recalled that vaccination will be free for citizens. According to him, it is worth the task of vaccinating approximately 60% of the country's population.

"We believe that this is the most optimal percentage that would create immunity at the level of the population, that is, the population of the Republic of Belarus," he stressed.

Tarasenko also spoke about further vaccination plans.

"In the future we have the plans for vaccination of social workers ..., it is also undoubtedly teachers, then the faces over 60 years have, first of all, indications for vaccination. Employees of trade, catering, domestic services, employees of transport organizations and, in principle, will follow and, and, in principle, the entire population, "he said.

As reported, in Belarus, the vaccination of health workers of the first dose of the Russian Vaccine "Satellite V" was completed. In addition, the process of vaccination of employees of institutions with a round-the-clock stay of children and adults in the Brest, Vitebsk, Gomel, Grodno and Minsk regions has been completed.

As reported earlier, the Minister of Health Dmitry Pinevich, until the end of Spring in Belarus plans to vaccinate from COVID-19 1.2 million people.

China sent Belarus 100 thousand doses of vaccine against coronavirus

February 19, China sent 100 thousand doses of vaccine against Coronavirus Production of Corporation "Sinofarm" at a free basis.

The production vaccine "Sinofarm" is the first approved in China to enter the PRC State Pharmaceutical Office, it is already applied within the country.

"According to the Chinese side estimates, COVID-19 coronavirus vaccine, developed by the Chinese company" Sinofarm ", has shown 79.34% of efficiency during the test. To date, in addition to China, the vaccine is approved for use in more than 10 countries of the world: UAE, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Serbia, Morocco, Hungary, Pakistan and others, "- the embassy reported.

The supply of vaccines The Belarusian side called "the next bright confirmation of the" Iron Brotherhood ", which established between Belarus and China." Vaccine cooperation will continue.

In Poland, 11 deaths were recorded as a result of complications. How is the vaccination against COVID-19 in Belarus? 17552_2

Recall, at the end of 2020, the first batch of Russian Vaccine "Satellite V" arrived in Belarus. In early February, Russia handed over Belarus a new vaccine ("Epivakkoron") and a new test system to identify coronavirus.

Where else was transferred to the vaccine?

China sent vaccines into a variety of countries. In addition to the countries mentioned above, where its use has already been approved, on February 16, Sinopharm delivered the first batch of vaccine into the EU territory, in Hungary: 550 thousand doses. The deal was announced in January, and the country expects to get 5 million doses over the next four months.

And, for example, during the day earlier, 200 thousand doses of the SINOPHARM vaccine received Zimbabwe. It is reported that it was a gift to help stop the distribution of COVID-19.

Norwegian Case

The first messages from Norway caused anxiety, as the world listens to the early signs of potential side effects of vaccines.

"We are not alarmed," Medical Director of the Norwegian Medicine Agency, Stanear Madsen in Bloomberg's comments, said on Monday. - Obviously, COVID-19 is much more dangerous for the majority of patients than vaccination. "

Doctors do not hide that vaccine side effects can aggravate the main chronic diseases.

According to the latest data from Norway, after vaccination with Pfizer-Biontech, 33 people have died aged 75 years and older. It is argued that they were all seriously ill. At the same time, more than 48 thousand guest houses are already vaccinated - almost all of their population.

Thus, it turns out that lethal cases are less than one per thousand grafts. According to the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, from the beginning of the pandemic in the country due to infection died 521 people, of which 447 aged 70 years and older.

Cape Talbot, Professor of Medicine from Vanderbilt University and Consultant American Centers for the Control and Prevention of Diseases, expected and was afraid that such deaths provoke distrust of vaccination: "Fragile, the elderly die, and die often. I do not think people are aware. I was worried that we would introduce a vaccine, and people would think that she kills. "

The professor was against the use of vaccine primarily on the elderly and sick people in the nursing homes, advised to vaccinate personnel who surrounds these elderly.

However, in many countries, the most vulnerable group of the population was decided to vaccinate first. Now medical officials have to justify and remove the voltage in society about the fears of vaccination.

"It is important to remember that every day in nursing homes in Norway dies about 45 people, therefore it is not a fact that it means excessive mortality or the presence of causal relationship with vaccination," said the director of the Norwegian Institute of Public Health Camilla on Monday at a press conference. Stoltenberg. However, she did not give up the exact causes of these deaths - their analysis has not yet been conducted.

The director stressed that the doctors who introduce the vaccine to patients should in each specific case to assess the risks and weighed in and against the vaccination of weak or severely ill patients. She did not rule out the fact that in some cases doctors should not have vaccinated elderly patients. After all, a week ago, the Norwegian drug agency stated that the temperature and nausea (the usual side effects of RNA vaccine) "could contribute to a fatal outcome of some weakened patients."

In Poland, 11 people died after vaccination

In Poland, there were more than 1.7 million vaccinations against coronavirus, while more than 1.5 thousand cases were recorded by side effects, of which 11 ended. About this on February 11, with reference to the Ministry of Health, Poland reports

Commenting on fatal cases, in the Ministry of Health noted that death could come for other reasons. So, at least in two cases, doctors doubt that the death of people was related to vaccination.

As reported, vaccination in Poland is held from December 27. Today, more than 1.7 people vaccinated today, of which there are two doses of almost half a million. It is mainly about medical personnel and senior faces. By the end of the first quarter, more than three million people plan to vaccinate in Poland.

Where else reported death after vaccine?

In Germany, more than 800 thousand people have already received the first of two doses of the Pfizer-Biontech production vaccine. German Federal Institute of Vaccine and Biomedical Medicines named after Paul Erlich reported seven cases of death among the elderly. It is argued that lethal outcomes could be caused by major serious diseases, among which carcinomas were noted, renal failure and Alzheimer's disease.

In American Florida, the death of a doctor is investigated, who died of severe blood illness 16 days after vaccination. 56-year-old obstetrician gynecologist received a vaccine on December 18. Soon he developed an extremely serious form of acute immune thrombocytopenia: blood did not turn properly.

It is known about two deaths after vaccination in India. However, the local ministry of health has not found the connection between these two events. In one case, a 52-year-old Indian died as the next morning after receiving the vaccine. The cause was called the cardiovascular disease (purulent pockets in the lungs and an enlarged heart). In the second case, the cause of the death of a 43-year-old men consider the heart attack of anterior wall with cardiovascular failure. He is a vaccine vaccine two days before death.

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