Why do you need Clubhouse and will it for a long time to socialate with us


Zhenya, how do you think, what is the clubhouse chip? If, let's say, VK and Facebook were created not to lose touch with classmates, Instagram - for the photo, why do you need a Club?

CLUBHOUSE created an elite system where there is an entrance to invites, and unique content - conversations with stars in one touch. Imagine, here at your distance with a raised hand leading the evening show Ivan Urgant, here's Yandex Ceo Tigran Hudavurdyan, but the presidential candidate is Ksenia Sobchak. It seems that the frantic khaip app will come to no, but still it will remain quite popular. In it, there is still no producer Yana Rudkovskaya, it means that there are still ahead: and the invasion of less advanced sebobes, and the creation of new shows.

It turns out, he attracts people because of its closedness and proximity to celebrities? Or is there anything else?

During the Lokdaun period, the Zoom application took off if analyzing Clubhouse, he is in some sense zoom at maxima: there is no video, and everyone is equal, there are no questions - why without a camera that you hide. And on the other hand, you can go on the air from any location: walking with the dog, moving on the cork machines, from the restaurant ... This is a colossal accessibility without unnecessary televitations. Well, no one canceled the coming era of audio. You can joke as much as possible about how Kirill and Methodius give writing to lovers of voice messages, but with the fact that "the voice is a new black", it seems that no one will argue. Ways, podcasts, voice helpers, and now also Clubhouse, who simply broke the Digital Tusovka, - all this direct text tells us about the future of new media. And as no one three years ago, Tiktok could not predict such a phenomenal success of Tiktok, and a year ago, no one imagined that the new social network, in which everyone would want, will be the audio conferencing platform.

Why do you need Clubhouse and will it for a long time to socialate with us 17498_1

What do you think, what are the prospects for this social machine?

It all depends on the options that will be offered the creators of the platform. But we see that guys are moving in the right direction. They have developed a program to support the influencerrs, manages Stephanie Simon, a marketer and a former Gucci consultant. A rather many leaders of opinions from other sites came to the application, including singers and bloggers, plus their stars were born there. For those who entered the program, a special chat is created in WhatsApp with the Clubhouse Guide. Also at the start acted and Tiktok. The question that worries all the inflexure is monetization. And they promised paid rooms with tickets, tip from the public and a paid subscription. All this suggests that there is prospects for the platform. The overall flurry of empty discussions decreased, but separate rooms of seleboys and experts collect several thousand people.

Where is generally purely theoretically can go the development of Clubhouse?

Different shows will appear, they will grow their selers, a clear system of content monetization will appear.

The Android platform users are officially unavailable. Yes, there are workarounds, but blocking has already begun. Maybe something is heard on the market - do you develop any alternative for a non-disconnected alternative?

Yes, already sculpt. CLUBHOUSE hired for this purpose the developer of a mop on the tongue, which has already collaborated with Instagram, Khan Academy, Medium ... So far there is an unofficial version of the St. Petersburg developer Grigory Klyvnikov, but just its users and began to nibble.

We have Tiktok, Instagram, VK, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Zoom conference, Skype, Messengers, Telegram - Where else is one social network? Is there any surprise of the market?

There is no observation and will never be, the audience craves new entertainment, something new always comes to shift the old one. And while in VK and Facebook, oblivion, always there is something that will attract the attention of the audience.

Unsplash.com/good faces /
Unsplash.com/good faces /

How do you think for a long time, in principle, will extend Cubhouse?

Already it is already clear that Haip decreases with the number of installations and the number of rooms (the chat rooms are called) during the peak hours on the platform. But Clubhouse will accurately take its niche on a par with podcasts - for those who like to talk without a camera, and those who like to listen.

Personally, he seemed interesting to you? Why?

I liked the party, which was there in the first days of the heyday among the Russian-speaking audience, people could share the hoodie information, and in one place such persons could be gathered, which in real life, do not collect together! But then I turned off the Puffy and now I go only into rare moments of leisure or when it is necessary for work - for example, last week, when we in Divico did a joint session with the profile edition of Sostav and brands.

Thank you!

Photo source: unsplash.com/dmitry Mashkin

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