Business should be admitted in the accidents


Business should be admitted in the accidents 17496_1
Fire on the Obi River, where there was a breakthrough of the Siburtumengaz gas pipeline

"Sibur's recent accidents and Gazprom Groups with oil products and emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere once again confirm that it is time to move to more active actions in solving the problem of accidents," says the head of the World Wildlife Fund Program (WWF) Russia on the environmental responsibility of business Alexey Knitnikov. It is necessary to start, according to him, it is necessary with the openness of information from companies.

On March 6, there was a fire in the area of ​​Nizhnevartovsk in the Sibur product pipeline, the locals posted a video with a burning river by Obe, resembles scribes.

The end of February is marked by two accidents in the Gazprom group. And in that and in another case, the main operational source of information at the time of accidents were social networks, he emphasizes.

From the moment of the incident in the Obvators, as a result of which there was a passage of a wide fraction of light hydrocarbons (wt) from the gas pipeline, Sibur specialists are in constant contact with representatives of both regional authorities, and with experts, Vtimes said a representative of the company. Including collaboration with WWF and other environmental organizations that the company provides information as it arrives, the representative of Sibur emphasized.

WWF Russia requests the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP) and Chamber of Communications (CCI) to invoke a business community to publish on the official websites of companies the main indicators of the impact of industrial enterprises on the environment. These must be such basic data as exposure to water, air and waste management, as well as information on accidents and controversial situations, elimination plans for emergency oil spills, the results of the state environmental impact assessment and environmental impact assessment materials.

"This information is vital that controlling bodies, rescue services and experts can timely take the necessary measures to prevent and / or eliminate environmental emergencies," explained the scribes.

At the same time, the socio-environmental responsibility of the business every year is becoming an increasingly important factor in the competitive advantage and investment. Transparency of companies and the presence of a dialogue with key stakeholders is its main condition.

WWF letters are confined to carry out the action "Earth Hour". This year, in Russia, it is devoted to the openness of environmental information. This is especially important for Russia because, on the one hand, in the structure of the economy there is a significant proportion of industries that have a significant negative impact on the environment (fuel and energy industry), WWF Russia writes. On the other hand, there are gaps in the regulation of non-financial reporting.

The law enshrines the concept of "environmental information", a draft law on non-financial reporting is discussed. "But, according to our estimates, they will not solve all questions," the foundation writes. The law on the disclosure of environmental information was signed in March. He introduces the concept of "environmental information" and states that it should be publicly available. "So quickly passing and signing by the president of this document shows that access to environmental information becomes a priority of state policy. But this law is a framework, and that the system makes it, it is important that the business makes real steps to disclose information, "the representative of WWF Russia said.

VTIMES requested comments from RSPP, TPP and Gazprom and are awaiting a response.

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