Pear to choose from: Overview of the best varieties for gardens of the Moscow region


    Good afternoon, my reader. Despite the fact that in the suburbs there is a very warm summer, winter pears in this climate do not have time to ripe. But among summer and autumn varieties, you can choose unpretentious winter-hardy trees suitable for cultivation in weather conditions of the middle strip.

    Pear to choose from: Overview of the best varieties for gardens of the Moscow region 17487_1
    Pear to choose from: Overview of the best varieties for gardens of Moscow Maria Verbilkova

    The mid-grade trees of the early self-polished variety have a very thick crown of a cone-shaped form. The period of fruiting culture occurs in 3-4 years after landing.

    Pale yellow with red rumbling and thin skin fragrant fruits weigh about 100 g. Juicy flesh has pleasant taste. The crop matures in mid-August, with 1 adult tree collect about 40 kg pears.

    Lada grade is highlighted in an increased yield, strong immunity to many diseases. An unpretentious plant is not afraid of winter cold and short-term droughts. Fruits have a universal purpose, stored up to 2 weeks and are not suitable for transportation.

    The trees of the late satiety grow up to 3 m. Their thick crown takes a pyramidal form. Pale yellow or light green fragrant pears weighing 130-160 g have smooth skin without a rump. At the pulp, the average juiciness and excellent taste.

    Fruits are processed, canned or use fresh. These pears are not suitable for long-term transportation, but they can be stored for a period of up to 1 month in the basement or refrigerator.

    Grandous trees with a thick spreaded crown begin to be fruit in 5-7 years. The fruits of the late satiety have a yellow-green color with a pale blush and weigh from 120 to 190. The flesh of these pears of juicy, pleasant sour-sweet taste with a tart aroma.

    The variety of the beloved Yakovlev ripens at the beginning of autumn and is famous for a stable yield. From one adult tree remove about 25 kg pears. Due to late flowering, the plant is not scared by spring return freezes. However, winter hardiness and drought resistance is low.

    Pear to choose from: Overview of the best varieties for gardens of the Moscow region 17487_2
    Pear to choose from: Overview of the best varieties for gardens of Moscow Maria Verbilkova

    In the rainy season, trees are often infected with a pair. The fruits are suitable for use in the fresh form, processing, transportation and storage for up to 1-1.5 months.

    The squat trees of this middle-wide variety have not too thick crown, join the phase of fruction for 3 or 4 years after landing. Small fruits of classical shape are painted in a pale yellow shade and the same non-latch blush. Pleasant juicy flesh has a bare fragrance.

    Cathedral variety is highlighted by stable yield and cold resistance. Trees are rarely infected with fungal infections. Harvesting begins at the end of summer. From one adult plant remove up to 35 kg pears, which consume fresh or immediately processed, since they are not stored for a long time.

    High-spirited trees with a spreaded crown are characterized by sideline. Small fragrant peppers of the right form Thanks to a brightly crimson brush on yellow sides, look like christmas decorations. Under the layer of thin skin - dense, very juicy, slightly tasty to the flesh.

    The grade is famous for a steadily high yield. Pears are sleeping at the beginning of autumn, about 40 kg of fruits are removed from each tree. The plant rarely sick and exposed insect attacks.

    The horticultural market offers a large list of pears that are suitable for growing in the suburbs. If you wish, you can choose a variety on any, even the most picky taste.

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