Can not be kept on fashionable professions, not everywhere they pay as much as they promise

Can not be kept on fashionable professions, not everywhere they pay as much as they promise 17481_1

I think that each of us has friends with one or more higher education, which in practice are unnecessary. I think the whole problem is that people who enter universities do not think about the prospects for earnings. I will explain how it happens.

A young man receives an education that he advised to get parents or acquaintances. As a rule, these are low-job and low-pay specialties, such as doctors or engineers.

Of course, when it flies for 4 years of study and the question arises about the device to work, it is not so easy to find it, as it seemed yesterday.

As a result, waking up for various offices for a while the new specialist is arranged at the lowest position and the smallest salary. In such a status, he works for several years, after which the vacancy of the dream is found, but at another specialty.

Since the man was wildly disappointed in his first choice, he would gladly run to receive a second education. But upon receipt it turns out that the patch with a new profession is slightly higher than that previously.

Then the thought occurs to enter the Internet, look at the fashionable online schools and choose a promising profession. As a rule, trainings are organized at the new-fashioned professions by type of paid courses.

I can not say anything bad about the online school. Most likely, they carry a good role, especially if the school is proven, but I want to warn against the hasty conclusions that many do.

No need to think that if you change your professional role, then the money rivers will immediately flow. None in any organization on the starting position you will not pay more than 30 thousand rubles. This also applies to the IT officers and different SMMs.

If your job is not satisfied with your job today, do not hurry to retire to another specialty or dismiss. I would advise to start to start some hobby, to get carried away with something.

In the future, your passion can be tried to monetize. If the income from this monetization becomes essential, then it is at this moment that you can think about getting a new profession.

For example, I worked as an economist in the factory for a long time. In my free time I began to photograph, and also interested in the problems of the proper formation of the investment portfolio.

As a result, I achieved good progress on both directions and now I can afford to work wholely work a financial consultant and sometimes to work as a photographer assistant.

There is a penny, there is a penny, and in the end I get a happy life and good income and without any nerves about employment.

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