Virtual dolphins help Ugra to recover after injury

Virtual dolphins help Ugra to recover after injury 17477_1
Virtual dolphins help Ugra to recover after injury

Nizhnevartovsky multidisciplinary rehabilitation center for disabled people resumed. Because of the pandemic, the institution for a while suspended the provision of services. Now Yugoras with ABS can again undergo rehabilitation courses in the center walls. These are various medical procedures, massages, physiotherapy and therapeutic physical education. Also in the center there may be a rehabilitation of people who have lost coronavirus.

This is the third rehabilitation course for Marat. Usually the course takes 2-3 weeks. One of the favorite rehabilitation procedures is to rest in Aquacapsule. It lasts 25 minutes, increases immunity and overall human tone. The capsule is at the same time the steam room, the vibrator massageor and shower. Different water pods can relax or opposite, tear the patient. Comprehensive work with a psychologist, neurologist and other specialists gives positive results, recognized Marat.

Marat Saitov, a resident of Nizhnevartovsk: "Massage is a favorite procedure, in a capsule, too good. Thanks to massages, I have improved the sensitivity of the right leg. Before that, I feel bad, but now returns. " Returns sensitivity and modern simulator, which the center for a time provided the Samara Medical University. Audiovisual complex allows you to restore the skills of walking towards people. Special compressor shoes injected air, which presses on foot, and virtual glasses broadcast a moving picture. Thus, a person has a feeling that he goes. Therapy stimulates the body and helps to restore lost functions. Olga Ivanova, director of the Nizhnevartovsky Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation Center for the Disabled: "This is free of charge, as an experimental action. The effectiveness of this apparatus is proved in the early period, especially after stroke or injuries, but we spoke with colleagues that we will experiment on the effectiveness of rehabilitation in the late recovery period, as far as the equipment has a positive effect on our customers. "

Another miracle of rehabilitation is the therapy of virtual reality. The program recreates human communication with Dolphin. So develop damaged hands. The patient can stroke the virtual dolphin, feed it, play, for example, throwing him the ball. Exercises exclude a strong load, and the sounds of the sea are soothing.

The center provides a wide range of services, among them the latest techniques and tested procedures: shower Charcot, swimming pool, hydromassage, electrophoresis, magneto and pressotherapy.

Liana Goycheva, a physiotherapist: "The people are called boots or sleeves, which massages, improves the tone of the vessels, relieves the edema in the postoperation period. In varicose disease, it helps very well. With the lymphatic stagns of the upper and lower limbs, with the weakness of muscles. " The center also conducts rehabilitation courses for residents of the region by coronavirus. They offer inhalations and sessions in the salt cave. Now there are only 6 rehabilitation here, but the center is ready to lead up to 30 patients at the same time. Now that the pandemic weakened the grip, the specialists of the institution are waiting for their old and new customers. The center has a hospital, therefore people from different parts of the Ugra may come to the rehabilitation to Nizhnevartovsk.

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