What potential is the industrial design market in Russia and the world?

What potential is the industrial design market in Russia and the world? 17458_1
What potential is the industrial design market in Russia and the world? 17458_2

The National Center for Industrial Design and Innovation 2050.Lab prepared "Global Study of the Industrial Design Market". It analyzes trends and trends in the world market Promdizain. How will the effects of the pandemic affect the market, what are key height drivers and what is the global trend? Answers to these and other questions - in the study abstract.

Will COVID-19 Stop Market Development?

The main purpose of industrial design is to increase the value and utility of products for users, which leads to an increase in the manufacturer's business. Alone, only relying on engineering solutions and development, industry is already difficult to offer the market products and services that will be in demand. Design, especially innovative, has long been one of the key competitive advantages on the global market, a leading factor contributing to the growth of companies.

But the design is a complex and multifactor process. It implies searching and finding a balance between users' requests to the product, production capabilities, requirements of laws, standards, guest standards, etc. Therefore, work on the project is so important for close and established interaction between all stakeholders: designers, managers, marketers, engineers and manufacturers. Moreover, in this process, it should be at the same time to be taken into account both the interests of the business and the consumer: the comfort and convenience of using the product, ergonomics, aesthetics, the emotional component.

According to the "Global Industrial Design Market" study (prepared on the basis of assessments and official statistics of companies and markets, as well as a wide and deep survey of the market by the method of surveys, interviews and surveys), the global market of Promdizain is waiting for growth. Moreover, his pace will be higher than the global economy as a whole. When analyzing, the COVID-19 factor was also taken into account: the consequences of the pandemic were evaluated, the most relevant forecasts for the influence of the virus on the economy and the social sphere were analyzed.

Interior of the modular car, 2050 Lab

Growth in the context of R & D and Green Technologies

The study presents three variants of market development: conservative, optimistic and probable, which can also be called "optimal" or "middle". According to a pessimistic forecast, that is, if companies are not ready to invest significant funds in Promdizin, by 2030 the market volume will be 54.8 billion dollars (the average annual growth rate is 3.8%). The optimistic version involves a more prominent increase - 5.8% on average in the next decade. By 2030, the market volume will be equal to 64.7 billion dollars. The implementation of this option is possible in the case of introducing in the "green" technologies in different sectors, which will become an incentive of an increase in demand for promdesine.

Possible scenarios for the development of the global industrial design market

According to the average and most likely scenario, the annual increase will be 4.8% - and by 2030 the market volume will reach 59.5 billion dollars. Such figures will result in the growth of investment in R & D on the part of companies that will strive to improve the aesthetic and functional characteristics of their products, as well as promote their own brands.

Urban chair "Backka", 2050 Lab

If we talk about the most promising segments, the highest average annual growth rates are expected in the design of products. This is a common trend for the whole world. There will be many factors to stimulate it. One of the key is global digital transformation that promotes the acceleration of production processes, more rapidly withdraw products to the market. The COVID-19 pandemic will contribute to the growth of the segment, which has already launched the process of rethinking many products, led to an increase in investment in R & D and the development of products for health care, the protection of human health, public safety and hygiene.

Rehabilitation Center for Homeless, 2050 Lab

If we consider the market for the applications of industrial design, the largest share, as well as now, will remain for transport. However, on the average annual growth rate, the leader will be the "electronics" (an increase of 6.7% annually), which is again associated with digitalization. Noticeable increments are expected in the field of "machines and equipment". Low will lag behind "transport" and "household appliances".

Russia: realize the potential

As for the regions, the primary growth points will be the Asia-Pacific region and Europe, which includes Russia (annually an increase of 5.1% and 5%, respectively). The markets of industrial design of North and South America, as well as the Middle East and Africa also expects a rise, but not so significant. At the same time, the market is everywhere will be characterized by high competition. "The main competitors in the field of industrial design are small and medium-sized companies. To date, a small number of enterprises occupies a significant market share, which leads to the exacerbation of the competitive struggle for the leading positions, "says the Development Director of 2050. Babe Elena Panteleeva.

Industrial design market in terms of income in the context of countries

Special attention in the study is given to Russia, the history of the development of industrial design in the USSR, as well as the actual situation. Today, the Russian Industrial Design Market cannot be called formed and mature. Its potential is far from sales - real and possible market sizes differ in tens of times.

The rapprochement of these indicators can only be the result of the complex work of all stakeholders: design studios, industrial enterprises, representatives of the educational environment, authorities, etc. With all parties to the process, depth interviews were carried out, on the basis of which a list of possible measures that promote the development of industrial design was drawn up.

Elena Panteleeva Development Director 2050.LAB In Russia, not yet all industrial enterprises understand what industrial design is. Therefore, it is important to raise awareness of the business environment about the toolkit and the possibilities of industrial design. It is even more important that we have a beautiful design school, there are excellent frames and specialists who are recognized worldwide.

You can read more research on the site 2050.LAB.

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