Earthwood rat in the garden plot: ways to get rid of pest


    Good afternoon, my reader. If you have noticed earth rats on your own vegetable garden, take measures to exterminate without delay. To do this, you need to know some ways to get rid of pests in the garden.

    Earthwood rat in the garden plot: ways to get rid of pest 17454_1
    Earthwood rat in the garden plot: Methods of getting rid of the pest of Maria Verbilkova

    Rats on the plot. (Photo used by standard license ©

    The second reason is the ability to create warm shelter on the garden. They form nests in basement rooms, cellars and sheds. These parasites can take advantage of the underground strokes of earthling and moles.

    This rodent is the largest of the family of pools, to which it refers: its torso can be a length of 110-260 mm. This mammal animal is called a water rat, and its natural habitat is river and lake shores, but rats live and at the gardens.

    The pests are pulled in the ground underground moves and arrange holes for themselves, and along the way eaten roots of garden crops. They can live groups and are able to leave you without a crop. Rodents feed:

    • roots;
    • roots;
    • cereals.

    In addition, these parasites eat floral cultures and fruits. They are able to quickly multiply and very rarely appear on the surface, so they are very difficult to destroy.

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    Earthwood rat in the garden plot: Methods of getting rid of the pest of Maria Verbilkova

    Rat. (Photo used by standard license ©

    You can get rid of rats in the garden with two ways:

    1. Scrapping.
    2. Destruction.

    The first method is more humane. As soon as notice the traces of their stay, immediately proceed to the expulsion of rodents. Otherwise, they will begin to multiply, and it will be more complicated to cope with this task.

    There are several methods to scare away rodents:

    • turn the sharp odor;
    • application of mechanical exposure;
    • Use ultrasound discreteners.

    With the first way you can do this:

    1. Dilute in tanks with warm water ointment Vishnevsky. Treat the room and the shelter of the rodent using a solution. The smell of the rat will not like it, but it is unlikely to change the habitat.
    2. Place sealing wool pieces near the location. One piece can be put in a mink rat.

    Second method Implement the following methods:

    1. Spread firing chew next to minks and between the beds. Rodents will not move in a place where needles scattered, as the paws will damage.
    2. From the scattered ash paw pests are inflamed.
    3. It is possible between plantations to plant 1-2 bush of black elderberry. The roots of this plant are isolated in the soil of cyanides, scaring rodents.

    The ash or fir branches can be replaced by any sharp objects, such as broken glass or glass gamble. This method is dangerous for pets, because they can be injured.

    Ultrasound dischargers should be used in the premises. The emerging waves cause anxiety from pests, and they go to another place. Remove all the extra objects out of the room, and thus ultrasound will be stronger and affects pests more efficiently.

    This method can be three types:

    • biological;
    • mechanical;
    • Chemical.

    The biological method is to make a cat or dog, which hoots on rats. Only one smell from the cat can scare pests.

    Earthwood rat in the garden plot: ways to get rid of pest 17454_3
    Earthwood rat in the garden plot: Methods of getting rid of the pest of Maria Verbilkova

    Kitty. (Photo used by standard license ©

    Mechanical impact implies the installation of roots and traps.

    1. To install an arc trap slightly, turn the mink, place the item and slightly accumulate.
    2. Trap set in the form of a deck cylinder.

    Chemical impact is carried out in the form of processing and laying various poisoned bait, while you can use:

    • grain bait "Dif-neo";
    • paraffin briquette "Difa".

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