Is it possible to drink a child yesterday's tea?


Most eastern

Where tea is especially popular, especially in China and Japan, always neglect the tea, which was welded yesterday. In China's culture, yesterday's tea is equal to the true poison, and in the culture of Japan, it is compared with the snake bite. Consider more, whether it is not harmful.

Is it possible to drink a child yesterday's tea? 17449_1

European scientists conducted some studies. Summing up, they concluded that this drink is useful for the body. It acts as a source of nutrients. But its positive properties save tea only if you use it only directly within the hour or two from the bottom of the brew.

But not all people are convenient to brew tea every day. Most brewing this drink for a few days ahead, as it is much more practical. We find out whether it is possible to act in such a way and does not cause harm to the health of tea lovers, especially small.

Of course, the taste quality of tea do not undergo significant changes during the day or even a couple of days. A drink when heated is unlikely to cease to be tasty. Small distinctions of taste will be barely noticeable.

Is it possible to drink a child yesterday's tea? 17449_2

Of course, some processes that cannot be seen with the naked eye are occurring. The structure of the drink is changing.

Over time, the useful substances are oxidized, the elements necessary to human organism gradually disappear. As a result, tea gradually becomes a graceful environment for the life and reproduction of harmful microorganisms. If this drink is left in the open air for a long period of time, then not only bacteria, but other harmful connections, are certainly formed under the influence of oxygen.

After some time, under their long-term exposure on the surface, the finest film may form, and then it will leave a brown mug on the walls. The most destructive effects of harmful substances that will eventually begin to form in tea will be rendering on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. The liver will mostly suffer. Even cooled black tea will not have any positive effect on the body. On the contrary, it will only harm him.

Is it possible to drink a child yesterday's tea? 17449_3

The film formed after time on the surface, when ingested the body of a person, envelops internal organs and prevents full-fledged digestion. Subsequently, it can cause some of the symptoms of poisoning.

If tea stood over a day, but not spoiled, it can be used as a medicinal product for outdoor use. It can help with low skin damage. It is used as rinsing when inflammation in the oral cavity. When washing the eyes, yesterday's tea can help get rid of the mass of unpleasant sensations.

Also scientists give some recommendations and about brewing tea. They argue that it is not necessary to brew a drink again, since it does not remain the same number of nutritional properties. With a second welding, they remain only half, and during the third one third remains.

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