And wolves are full, and hits are intact. Interview with Raper Masked Wolf

And wolves are full, and hits are intact. Interview with Raper Masked Wolf 1744_1
And wolves are full, and hits are intact. Interview with Raper Masked Wolf Anastasia Ageev

In an interview with Time Out Moscow, Raper Masked Wolf spoke about the Australian hip-hop scene, the need for artist to have "normal" work and acquaintance with Egor Creed.

Australian Masked Wolf Rapper Even with its existence tells one of the loudest stories of the success of this year. If you have not remembered this name, then surely heard the rolling track Astronaut in the Ocean either on the radio or in Tiktok. Released back in 2019, the wrestling song about the fight against depression proudly walks around the world, conquering one country by another, and the official text video with Russian translation came out in Moscow the other day.

First of the sore: How are things in Australia with a pandemic and isolation? Are you still sitting at home or are you ready to get back to normal life?

I spend tomorrow at the festival, so we have everything quite calmly. It seems that we are generally easily separated, if we compare with other countries. At first, of course, it was hard, but now it's hardly someone wears masks and so on.

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More or less reminds the situation with restrictions in Russia. We really hope that in the summer the musical festivals will also be returned. So we are waiting for you with touring, because your song Astronaut in the Ocean is a real hit in Russia.

Yes, I'm happy! I really want to come to you. I have never been in Russia, but I have a lot of Russian friends. It so happened that I live near the big Russian diaspora, it is very funny guys. But I immediately say: I do not like vodka. I am a fan of Bourbon, whiskey and gin-tonic.

Are your Russian friends introduced you to our rappers? We have a real rap boom in our country.

I personally know the guy named Egor Cre. It was a matter, communicated.

Didn't you discuss duet there?

Maybe in the future. So far, just crossed a couple of words, but I like his music. Let's see how it all gets it when I get to Russia. So far, due to coronavirus, it is too early to build some serious plans.

Tell me how you generally got from Australia to world charts and how difficult was the path? I know that your hit came out back in 2019, but he acquired world fame only now. How did it happen?

I started reading rap for another 15 years. He was strongly fond of American hip-hop. Listen to the G-Unit, Kanye West, Drake, Eminem and Kevin Gates. This is my "golden" five.

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Then I signed an unsuccessful contract and "stuck": I could neither release songs, not competently sue, since I didn't have money then. As a result, I lost five years: only by 27 years I could settle all things, but it was very good to scratch my talents. Since childhood, I have been obsessed with the idea of ​​doing high-quality sound: always wanted my homemade songs to sound no worse than hits with radio. For me, quality is always more important than the quantity. I am not from those who want to record 50 songs, and then boil: "Look at me, I have 50 songs!" I will write five steep hits.

I will not lie: my way was not easy. In American hip-hop, groups of friends-rappers are often found, which everyone do together. In Australia, everything is different, and I always worked alone. And then my "astronaut ..." suddenly became a hit, and things rapidly went uphill.

Photo: Warner Music Russia

"From childhood I was obsessed with the idea of ​​doing high-quality sound: I always wanted my homemade songs to sound no worse than hits with radio. For me, quality is always more important than quantity. "

"From childhood I was obsessed with the idea of ​​doing high-quality sound: I always wanted my homemade songs to sound no worse than hits with radio. For me, quality is always more important than quantity. "

Photo: Warner Music Russia

Do you remember after what song or album did you finally fell in love with rap?

When Stan Eminem heard the song. Firstly, this is a very, very cool song. Secondly, this is a whole story: song, clip, promise. You look at the video and even do not listen to the text, the story says herself. I always wanted my songs to be the same stories with meaning.

As we remember, a important role in the success of the song was played by the Dido singer. Did you think to follow Eminem's example and also call for yourself in a studio any performer?

Of course, I do not mind, but everything should be logical and organically. It does not matter which country from which singer or singer will be an idea of ​​such a duet.

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Is it true that in addition to music do you have more "ordinary" job?

Just the other day I finally quit. Now I will devote himself only to music.

You do not hide, who did you work before?

Not. I worked in retail in a typical office environment. He was engaged in sales, often wore suit. The routine of the day was like this: I wake up, I go to work, I return and engage in music at home or in the studio. Sometimes he wrote songs after a 12-hour working day.

Perhaps the fact that you had a "normal" life, made your music still clearer to listeners. After all, many people live: go to work and so on.

I always wanted to devote all my time to music. Making money has never worried me much. It would be calmly and with a thousand dollars in the account - the main thing so that I could continue to engage in creativity. Here, my parents insisted: "No, dude, go to work." I shared, but it was.

At the same time, you are right - some routine is needed to everyone. In life it is important to have something consistent and structured. It is necessary to find a balance between the necessary and enjoyable. Unfortunately, otherwise it is impossible.

But in music, too, has its own routine. So tell me how you write songs. I heard, you often read the chargetures. This is not dangerous?

Yes, somewhere half of the tracks is born during driving, and the other is at home. I sit, study the bits and invent something. Everything starts with the chorus. If I found a good bit, then I immediately invent the chorus. I never write first the couplets, because he is a center of any story, its basis.

I like to write at the wheel, because at these moments I don't think too much about the melody itself. And I am a careful driver. I came up with something interesting, I waited for the red light, I remembered. I have a rule: I do not immediately fix my ideas. If I still remember the melody the next day, it means it is really good. No notes in the phone: everything is in my head.

Photo: Warner Music Russia

"In life it is important to have something consecutive and structured. It is necessary to find a balance between the necessary and enjoyable. Unfortunately, otherwise it is impossible. "

"In life it is important to have something consecutive and structured. It is necessary to find a balance between the necessary and enjoyable. Unfortunately, otherwise it is impossible. "

Photo: Warner Music Russia

Where did your pseudonym come from?

If you met me on the street, I would never have thought that I was a rapper. No one ever believes - forever surprised that this is really my music. Hence the image of a mask and riddles. And the wolf is getting out of me in the studio: I get a real animal from the microphone. Therefore, I am a wolf in a mask.

Will you not perform on the stage in the mask? Still, there are many artists who hide face - from Slipknot to Seia.

I would have come out so on bis, clean for one song. Or at the beginning of the show. The idea, by the way, is cool! But I do not want to get involved in this. I have exactly the reverse idea: show yourself a present. Without masks.

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Where did your pseudonym come from?

If you met me on the street, I would never have thought that I was a rapper. No one ever believes - forever surprised that this is really my music. Hence the image of a mask and riddles. And the wolf is getting out of me in the studio: I get a real animal from the microphone. Therefore, I am a wolf in a mask.

Will you not perform on the stage in the mask? Still, there are many artists who hide face - from Slipknot to Seia.

I would have come out so on bis, clean for one song. Or at the beginning of the show. The idea, by the way, is cool! But I do not want to get involved in this. I have exactly the reverse idea: show yourself a present. Without masks.

Astronaut in the Ocean is generally logical to execute in the scaffle. True, it is not very convenient to move around the scene ...

I have a redhead jacket from this clip. Just think to wear it tomorrow at the concert. True, I'm not sure that I have time to change so quickly.

2020th overturned the presentation of mankind about masks. Now this word has completely different associations. Didn't think somehow beat this topic?

As we have already discussed, my song was recorded back in 2019. This is pretty bizarre, like the themes of masks and depression, which I read about in this track, became more relevant. I am very glad that I recorded a song 1.5 years ago. I did not want to be a rapper, which wrote something during a pandemic, just to soap on a hot topic.

What is the secret? How did your song dispersed?

I do not think that there is some secret. Just worked the principle of sarafined radio and a powerful chain reaction began. I was often written in Instagram: "Damn, a cool track, I threw it with all my friends." Then I wrote their friends already. So everything grew and grew up like branches on the tree. Of course, thanks and instagram with Tiktok - when the song started to gain momentum there, it was no longer stopped. In other words, it scared for a long time, and then rushed.

Tiktok Generally a good tool for assessing how much kinematic music is. Would you like to record a full-fledged soundtrack?

I dream to record a song for a video game trailer or game like FIFA. Or for the film. When I only wrote my track Speed ​​Racer, I immediately imagined that it would be great for the "Fasting".

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Well, the "forescapes" will certainly continue to take on and on, so we cross your fingers so that your dream is exercised.

Yes, listen to me in the "Furçazh 20"!

I hope even earlier! In the meantime, ride in Australia. We know about your rape, so tell me how your scene is arranged. Everyone seek to work with small indie labels or want to sign contracts with major market players? Do you have rap battles?

If the Australian Rapper signs a big American label, then this is, of course, very cool. I would never think what happened to me.

As for the subway, now in Australia, Drill is wildly popular. For some reason, it seems to me that in Russia the British Drill must also go well. Over the past year, a lot of rappers, working in this Piezer, appeared in Australia.

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Personally, I hold down from this somewhat away: I do not like to follow the trends. I want to continue to remain unique and loyal. But Rap-Buttla I adore. Today I looked at seven American battles. In Australia, they were in fashion about eight years ago, now Haip has dubbed, but in general, in the last year, we have a jump in local rapera. It's very nice.

What about charts? In Russian charts, for example, almost some rappers.

In our hip-hop culture, singers and singers are still more popular, and not rappers. I gradually become more or less famous.

What advise those who heard you only Astronaut in the Ocean, but already wants additives?

Above the direct continuation of the "astronaut ..." I work at the moment. For while listening to the Night Rider. This is my favorite track. And Speed ​​Racer.

What are your plans for the near future? Prepare album or EP?

I'm just going to tour and I really hope that I can perform in Europe. The album is also writing, but there is no specific release date. Ice at the end of this year or the beginning of the following. And before that I will release a lot of singles!

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