In the largest Russian family is expected to replenish


A family lives in the Rostov region that raises more than 70 children. Recently, officials allowed a large mother to take on the upbringing of still three boys from the orphanage.

Tatiana Sorokina turned 65 years old, and she is known in Russia and abroad, as a woman who raises 76 children. One of the last adoptive children was the kin's boy, which blood parents left in an orphanage. But the woman decided not to stop, and soon again expressed the desire to adopt three twin boys.

In the largest Russian family is expected to replenish 17438_1
Tatyana has repeatedly became the heroine of various talk shows, they talk about her television and in the media.

Biography of the most large mother of Russia

Tatiana married at 18 years old, her spouse was at that time 21 years. The woman recalls how else in the greatness wondered to baptism. And, as if, would wait for her happy marriage and many kids. Girlfriends Tanya said that evening: "Well, everyone, we will give you married this year." So it turned out.

In the largest Russian family is expected to replenish 17438_2

Two children were born in the family of Sorokin: a boy and a girl. Perhaps on this would be the spouses and stopped, but the providence intervened in their life. A neighbor of Sorokins from time to time he asked to look at his child, and then forgot to take the girl at all. So in their family a reception daughter appeared. She was not needed by his mother, and the family of Sorokin fascinated the girl.

When the kids rose, the spouses decided to take from the orphanage to upbringing two boys. It was a sorry for the guys who were left without parents. Then Tatiana again wanted to dress someone in beautiful dresses, weave pigtails, play dolls. And in the family there are two reception girls.

In the largest Russian family is expected to replenish 17438_3

Sorokins gave the shelter in their home to many children from boarding schools. But for the last twins boys had to lead a real struggle. The Commission said that at that age he no longer makes sense to adopt, but Tatyana did not give up.

"Please regret the boys, what is in the children's home. I will have much better, "she said to officials.

In the heavy 90s were able to raise so many children, although it was hard, but they were raised, and these three would raise, despite age.

Adoption Troyashek

The guardianship authorities have dragged the case, did not give an unambiguous answer. Tatyana has already lost hope, but here officials from Irkutsk suddenly allowed to adopt the boys. A large mother says that he does not know who parents of the boys, but it does not matter. She considers all adopted children with their relatives, although there were cases when they had a blood mom or dad taken from the children's children's home.

In the largest Russian family is expected to replenish 17438_4
Summer dinner in the family of Sorokin. Photo "I am glad, of course, when someone from the children were founded by parents. But the heart is damaged by blood, because I already bought to the child, you feel Him Moma, "Tatyana's experiences are shared.

For which Sorokina takes on raising so many children

There were a lot of people who accused Tatiana in the fact that she was adopting in adoption for the sake of a pearly. Allegedly, all this is done in order to receive material assistance from the state.

In the largest Russian family is expected to replenish 17438_5
Tatyana Sorokina in his anniversary. Photo

Tatiana herself explains the material side of life with children:

"Indeed, the state helps, but I will not call specific amounts. Who adopts children, he knows the amount of benefits. But all the money I get on children is spent on their needs. Children never needed: they were fed, dressed, shod, they had toys, we went to rest. For your needs, I do not take a penny from child benefits. Yes, we live not in luxury, but not in the money, real happiness. The main thing is that the kids have a family, they love them and give attention. This is the most important thing in life, not tablets, phones and apartments. "

Children and grandchildren of quarrels

In the family of quarrels, not only 76 children, but already 45 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. A large family was repeatedly awarded orders and honorary titles. A few years ago, the head of the family, but Tatyana continues to give children love and attention to children. All adopted and native children, as well as grandchildren and great-grandchildren gather together in the parent home for family holidays, and also always come to congratulate mom happy birthday.

Read also: Mother refused daughter because she was not like dad

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