13 great people whose real names sound not as we used


Alias ​​in the creative environment - the usual thing. His mission may be different. For example, supplement the image, insure yourself from attacks, bypass the estate prejudices or stand out against the background of famous namesakes. The second names brightly illustrate how diverse the fate of great people and their fantasy. Someone blindly chooses the name from the newspaper, and someone returns to the name of the genus.

Adme.ru became wondering how world famous people chose the names that came to us in a century.

Sandro Botticelli

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© Sandro Botticelli / Wikimedia, © Sandro Botticelli / Wikimedia

Real Name: Alessandro di Mariano di Banny Filipei. The author of the "Birth of Venus" and the student Leonardo da Vinci chose a simple pseudonym - "Barrel". Such a nickname went to the artist from the older brother, which was a large physique.


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© Maurice Quentin de la Tour / Wikimedia

Real Name: Francois-Marie Aruise. As a child, the French philosopher and writer called the "Little Volunteer", it could affect the choice of a pseudonym. According to another version, the word "Volter" was as a result of the change of syllables of the name of the native city of Publicist, ERVO: AirVault, Vault-AIR.


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© Quentin Matsis / Wikimedia

Real Name: Philip Aureol Theofrast Bombaster von Gogenheim. According to one of the versions, Paracelles called the name of friends. They compared a physician who opened toxicology as a science, with ancient Roman scientist in the field of Medicine Celsis. Prefix "Couple" in this case means "exceeded".

Ivan Aivazovsky

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© Ivan Aivazovsky / Wikimedia, © Ivan Aivazovsky / Wikimedia

Real name: Hovhannes Awazyan. The Russian marinist artist had Armenian roots. During his studies in the Imperial Academy of Arts, Ivan Gaivazovsky called him. Becoming popular in Russia and going to Europe, at 23, the painter took the name Ivazovsky.

Maksim Gorky

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© Fæ / Wikimedia, © FG68AT / Wikimedia

Real Name: Alexey Peshkov. The first works of the Russian writer with difficult fate signed by the name Yehudil Klamyda. Further, the story "Makar Miranda" was published under the pseudonym known to us. Maxim called Father and Son of the author. Gorky, because in his works he wrote about the unpleasant and sad life of Russia.

El Greco

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© El Greco / Wikimedia, © El Greco / Wikimedia

Real Name: Domenikos Teotokopoulos. His paintings are a Greek painter, sculptor and architect signed the full name in his native language. But since he moved to Italy, and then to Spain, the artist gave the nickname El Greco, meaning "Greek".

Nikolay Gogol

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© Otto Friedrich Theodore Background Möller / Wikimedia

Real Name: Nikolai Yanovsky. According to one of the versions, Gogol is the fictitious part of the double surname, which the writer received from his grandfather. Athanasius Demyanovich was born in the family of the priest, but did not go in the footsteps of the Father. He married and having received the estate as a dowry, he was puzzled by obtaining the status of nobleman. The origin of the man complicated the solution of the issue. Then Athanasius Demyanovich presented a fake document, received the noble title and transferred the next generations the updated last name.


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© Nicolas Minyar / Wikimedia

Real Name: Jean-Batist Plente. Perhaps the pseudonym of the French playwright, the actor and the creator of the classic comedy has a reference to one of the settlements of France with the same name.

Jerome Bosch

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© Jacques Le Bean / Wikimedia, © Jerome Bosch / Wikipedia

Real Name: Yerun Antonison Van Aken. The pseudonym has a reference to the name of the hometown of the Dutch artist - the "Ducal Forest".


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© Scewing / Wikimedia

Real Name: William Sydney Porter. "I told a friend:" I need a literary pseudonym, help think of ". He suggested take a newspaper and choose a name from the first random list of famous people ... My view fell in the name Henry. "Fit for the surname," I said. "Now the name, I want something short." "Then why don't you use the letter?" My friend asked. "Good," I said, - Oh is the easiest to write the letter ... "

Pablo Picasso

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© Coldcreation / Wikimedia, © J. Crocker / Wikipedia

Real Name: Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Uncomposed Maria de Los Remedios Sipriano de la Santisima Trinidad Marthier Patricio Ruis and Picasso. A long series of words includes the names of the ancestors of the artist and the saints, the name of the mother (Picasso) and the Father (Ruis).

Benedict Spinoza

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© Unknown Artist / Wikimedia

Real name: Baruch Spinoza. After the death of the Father, the Dutch philosopher changed his Jewish name to Latin - Benedictus ("Blessed").

Edgar Degas

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© Edgar Degas / Wikimedia, © Edgar Degi / Wikimedia

Real Name: Iller-Germain Edgar de Ga. When the father of the Impressionist artist moved to France, he changed the surname from Degi to de Ga, a more aristocratic manner. By 30, Edgar returned the original surname of his kind.

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