"Sherlock Holmes: Game Shadows": Unreal Detective


Unnecessary continuation of the class comic in Conan Doyle

Sherlock Holmes (Robert Downey Jr.) for a month stays in the interlayer expectation of a new case, rape violin, drinks formaldehyde and puts scientific experiences on the most accustomed to the whole dog. Finally, to his personal happiness, Professor James Moriarty (Jared Harris) is announced - there was a lot of conversations about him and in the first series, and now he is actively trying to untie the world war. Rally revived Holmes rushes for the villain in pursuit, which leads it to a secret military plant, hidden somewhere between Paris and Berlin. His company involuntarily make up the Gypsy Symeza (well, Rapass - instead of the untimely heroine Rachel Makadams) and the newlyweds John Watson (Jude Low). On the way, the jealous detective sluggishly convinces the partner is that nothing has nothing against his spouse, but at the very first opportunity drops it from the train.

"Sherlock Holmes: Game Shadows": watch a movie online

To blind from the works of Conan Doyle Victorian fighter - the task, not deprived of the grace. The creators of the new "Holmes" intelligently approached the case and took the same comic as the basis. Also in due time they did the Cohen brothers: their "Oh, where are you brother?" Made by Gomer's translated into graphic arts, despite the fact that the Cohen themselves never read "Iliada" nor "Odyssey." The director of both "Sherlock Holmes" Guy Richie also convincingly imitates the stranger with the original: the second film only the feeling that he just said that he was told that, de, there is such a book about such guys who use some original logic in investigations . So it, in essence, should have happened. A man who loves the Roma and hand-to-hand fights, is unlikely to be interested in a deductive method. But if in the first film, the characters were unexpectedly revealed, and not the case, then the surprise in the second, Richie did not come up with.

To immediately, the sake of the sake of - "the game of the shadows" still accelerates sharply to the final third. Plus, the final chess-fist match between Holmes and Moriarty is beautifully rhymes with a fight that opens the first film. But before that, we are a half an hour later looking rather sad cutting, a kind of video report about the work done, as in the film "Vysotsky". Attempts to revive this potentially entertaining history only prove that Richie is completely uninteresting for the second time to joke on the same thing. Here is a strange appearance of Stephen Frya - not only that the uninhabited, but also naked. Here is a trip to an even strange arrangement to Annio Morricon. Robert Downey Jr., despite the incessant comic escapades, here more like O. Menshikov in the film "Stat Counselor". The most amazing at the same time: every potentially shock moment always breaks down the mounting glue: say, this is - here Holmes will start to dance with the Gypsy Tabor and immediately we must keep track of the uninteresting goats of Moriarty. By the way, the whole cant of Hollywood stars claimed this role, including Brad Pitt, Daniel Dei Lewis, Sean Penn and Javier Bardem. As a result, Professor played Jared Harris, more similar to classical Englishman, but much less - on the classic villain.

You can explain differently the discouraging difference between the two films. For example, the fact that Richie is everything that he wanted to say about Holmes already said in the first, much more festive part. After all, everything was already there, except for the dogs of Baskerville: and fist fights, and narcotic depression, and violin, and Moriarty, and the ambiguous sensuality of relationships. By the way, if in the first film it was alien to the vulgarity of romantic friendship, here Holmes and Watson are frankly similar to the gay couple, so bored that one of the partners should be changed to the Baba. But in this case, the reason for such an offensive failure is even easier, and it lies in that nontrivial approach to the classic heroes, which was so pleased at first. Still, Holmes-analytical genius is durable, a whole series can be removed about it. But cocaine kidalti quickly flows and quickly bored, turning into a sad reminder of their former originality.

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