Harmful tips: phrases that make a schoolboy to learn


"So I was an excellent!"

Truth? And never received even four? Well, not everyone can perfectly cope with the school program. In this case, you will not be difficult to help your child understand and correct your mistakes.

"I always quickly did lessons!"

Maybe you loved to learn or inspired you the opportunity to go to your girlfriends to the streets? Try to show your child's perspective: you used to do lessons - you will go for a walk before.

"But I always recorded myself what is specified"

Yes, before there were no mobile phones, chats, social networks, where it was possible to know what was asked in mathematics. But there is now! Therefore, there is no need to blow a child forgetfulness. It happens to everyone?

"And why all children are like children, and you have ..."

What? Most lovely? Merry? The coolest? When using this phrase, the ending should be only such. Otherwise, you risk growing a compacon, envious and embittered person. Comparisons do not lead to anything good.

"Here look at Vasya, he learns, tries, not distracted!"

Well done Vasya! But your child is more sociable and healthy, without nervous tick and chronic anxiety due to the fact that he again distracted and missed something. Everyone learns and tries as their capabilities. And similar comparisons, if you succeed, then definitely not interest in study, but rather hate to you.

"Your sister at this age is already fat books, and you are barely barely!"

And again comparisons! Forget about them! Each child is unique. Your child probably has its own special talents to develop. Play with him if you think that reading it is not given. Or maybe he should just change the book for more interesting for him? Then the process will go faster.

"Until you read, the cartoon will not include!"

Dubious motivation. Do you want to beat off a child of interest in books? Then forward! If not, let him take a break. Ten minutes on the cartoon - and then read.

"First do lessons, and then I'll think about whether you deserve sweet!"

The child hears this phrase in his own way: "If you don't do the way I said, you will not be worthy of my love." Better drink tea together and discuss what he read. Two in one.

"There is nothing to understand here, it is just necessary to learn!"

Yeah, and then you yourself will swear and ask why this Vasya is happy to learn and everything has time, and your child has to kick. Help to awaken interest - invent together how you can beat a complicated theme. And just to learn is not learning, it is training.

"What does it mean - boring?! This is your job! "

First, money pay for work. Secondly, even work may (and ideally) be interesting. If bored, you need to take a break, relax or switch to another subject, and later return to the old task. Maybe the child is just tired or does he need help?

"There is such a word - it is necessary"

Yes, the word is there, but it should not be the main and only argument in disputes about the homework. In detail explain why you need to do this or that task, and what will happen if it is not done. Sometimes adults themselves unwind this logical tangle to the point "Or maybe not so much?".

"I am the last letter in the alphabet!"

So it is uncomplying, you deserve self-esteem of the child. In the future, such children may not stand for themselves, they are afraid to express their own opinion, to defend views, ask for wage raising and are not even able to get out of toxic relations. It is better to discuss with the child of his desire and find a compromise.

"I want to? Moves! "

No covered depreciation of desires and needs. The meaning of this phrase is still unclear and is transmitted from generation to generation as Mantra. If the child expressed by the child seems to you untimely, so tell him. Explain why to fulfill the request is impossible, and try to find a compromise together.

"Yes, how do you go to school, if you still do not know how ..."

It's time to take responsibility for yourself. After all, indeed, the child himself is unlikely to learn what you are waiting for him. If only it is not a welcome or extrasens. Can't read? Learn. Doesn't know numbers? Color pencils in hand - and paint the notebook on units, five and dozens.

"You have to receive only five, otherwise I will be ashamed"

Unfortunately or fortunately, but in this case the child does not have any problems at all. But these are your problems: with self-esteem and with responsibility for your own feelings. Up for help to a psychologist, while the child did not bloom the excellent syndrome and he did not turn into a perfectionist workaholic.

Allexalon / Pixabay.
Allexalon / Pixabay "Yes, your marisen is just a fool!"

A rude example of disrespect and discredit a teacher in the eyes of the student. Do not be surprised then comments in the diary about ignoring the teacher, about poor behavior and low estimates. At the same time, if the teacher is really wrong or behaves in an inappropriate way, it is impossible to hide it from the child and repeat the mantra that the teacher is always right, and adults know better. Not everything is not always.

"This is nothing yet, my teacher was even worse!"

The depreciation of the child's experiences again. It's not very easier for him from how it was with you. If the conflict has happened to the teacher, try to come up with everything together how to establish communication. If the child simply does not like the teacher, try to find positive parties in it and draw the child's attention to them.

"Do not be friends with the Serie, he influences you badly!"

To begin with, the problem is in Sergei. If this really is so, try to figure out what this child is so interesting yours? Tell me that you can maintain friendly relationships, but at the same time not to adopt the harmful habits or not to repeat the rude words.

"You're already big, you do not need to look at toys, but learn!"

Toys are very well help the development of creative thinking, and some are also trained. There is nothing galloping in the fact that there is between mathematics and natural science to entertain himself with the structure of the castle of Lego.

"We have no time to walk, we have no lessons!"

Favorite Babushkino "Made a business - Goulai boldly" or "Case time, fun - an hour" is a wonderful educational moment. However, do not overload the child. In modern schools, these volumes of homework are asked that the young brain is vital to take a little break for a walk and breathe fresh air.

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