The armor of Hammer recognized the suspect in the case of sexual violence


On March 18, another former girl Hammer's army told about the alleged sexual violence from the actor. 24-year-old Effi, speaking at a press conference in Zuma, together with his lawyer Gloria Ollred, said that the armor raped her four years ago. The girl told that they with the actor met on Facebook and met from 2016 to 2020.

"On April 24, 2017, Armmer Hummer raped me in Los Angeles for four hours, he repeatedly beat me head about the wall, leaving the bruises on my face. He also committed other acts of violence against me, for which I did not agree. For example, he beat me on the feet of a whip, then they hurt at every step for the whole week. I tried to escape, but he did not allow me. I thought he would kill me, "said Effi.

She denied the early statements of the Hammer that all his sexual actions outside of marriage were fully agreed with partners.

"Our relationship has developed rapidly, and emotions have become very strong on both sides. Looking back, I now clear that he used the tactics of manipulation to control me until I started to lose myself. He often checked my devotion to him, slyly eliminating and crossing my borders, because with each month he became more cruel. I tried so hard to somehow justify his actions. I lived in fear of him. His cruel appeal injured me. He became even more cruel and used me morally, emotionally and sexy, "the girl said, arguing that she was chased so painful memories that she" thought about suicide. "

To the question, whether Effi will put forward charges against the actor, lawyer Almred said that her client had evidence of the guilt of the actor. It will provide them with law enforcement agencies, and then the prosecutor must decide whether there is sufficient evidence to initiate a criminal case.

"I will only say - Efphi has enough courage to cooperate with the investigation," the lawyer noted.

"I feel a huge guilt for not spoken before, because it seems to me that I could help other women not to become his victim. I want other people who survived sexual violence, felt stronger, "said Effi, who now lives in Europe.

After the girl made a statement, Ollred shared a photo on which Effi and Hummer hugging near WME agency in Los Angeles (Hummer used to be his client). The lawyer specified that the frame was made before the attack. She refused to reveal the surname of his client. It is also unclear whether EFFA is owned by the @houseofeffie account, in which the most scandalous screenshots of messages about the BDSM-inclinations of the actor were placed, from which the scandal began.

Already a few minutes after the press conference, the lawyer Armor Hammer, Andrew Brettle, sent a response to charges: "Most recently, July 1820, Ms. Angelova sent Mr. Hammer's messages in which he tells what she wants him to do with her. Mr. Hammer was never intended to betray publicly the perverted sexual desires of Mrs. Angel. But now, when she raised a question to a new level, hiring a civil lawyer and collecting a public press conference, Mr. Hammer had the opportunity to clarify the situation, because the truth is on his side. " Thus, the lawyer announced the identity of the girl, publicly indicating her name.

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The armor of Hammer recognized the suspect in the case of sexual violence 17411_1

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