Polyistinel Damned! "The secret of the Polishinel" - what are these simple words?

Polyistinel Damned!
Polyistinel Damned! "The secret of the Polishinel" - what are these simple words?

What does the phraseological "secret of the Polyshinel" mean?

- You are lying all! - screamed the splitters, no longer holding, - you lie, Polyinistle Damned! [F. M. Dostoevsky. Crime and Punishment]

The secret of the Polishinelle (Le Secret De Polichinelle) is a secret that everyone knows, but pretend to keep it secret. But who is such a politinele?

Polishinelle is a character from the "Comedy Masks", so called the street theater, the theater of improvisations. In general, the concept of "comedy masks" (or "comedy del art") appeared in Italy in the middle of the XVI century. This genre has become popular in many countries, especially in Italy, Spain and France!

Polyinistille is a humpback and a puzzled comedian character, a jester, bully. In the Italian language of this hero, the name of Pulchinell (from the Italian pulcino - "Chicken, which is one day of the outgrow"). A distinctive feature of the Italian character was a black mask on his face with a long nose, which resembled a bird beak, and in French - just a long nose.

In most street plots, Polyanyl (or Pulchinell) is a Page King, who went to take revenge on someone or find out something important. The hero went to this adventure! Polishinean managed to get out of any situations thanks to his dexterity. He usually pretended to be a full fool so that no one perceives him seriously. As a result, Polysenil returned to the king and informed him an important secret.

True, besides the king, Polyinistrel told about this secret and courtiers, who also had to keep him for family seals. As a result, everyone knew about this secret, but did the form that it was mystery.

In Russian, the expression fell than thanks to Jana-Batista Molore.

In Russia, the plays of Moliere loved, in the XVIII century many of them were in the repertoire of the Petrovsky Theater. Polyinistille - just one of the characters of the comedy Moliere "Imaginary Patient" of 1673.

Do you remember the fairy tale of Hans Christian Andersen "New Dress of the King"? In this fairy tale just an example of the secret of Polyinistrel. The scammers deceived the king, they said as if she stitched her dress from an incredibly fine tissue. As a result, the king went out to people in his invisible dress.

Everyone, of course, was surprised! But the courts did not speak the king that he was naked. No one wanted to give a fool! So admired this "luxurious" outfit, until one bold boy cried out the crowd:

- And the king is naked!

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