Forest strawberry fairy tale from spring to frost you have in the garden - the best varieties for lovers


    Good afternoon, my reader. The delicious taste of strawberries could not leave anyone indifferent, and due to the efforts of breeders of the whole world, it is possible to extend this pleasure to almost the first snow. If in the fall, dig up the bushes of white varieties and place on the windowsill, then the long winter evenings they will give you an appetizing summer fairy tale. Fragrant berries are tasty and useful both in fresh form and in jams, jelly, compotes. Dried leaflets are a wonderful vitamin additive for tea. The simultaneous combination of snow-white colors, green leaves and bright red berries fabulously decorates the garden.

    Forest strawberry fairy tale from spring to frost you have in the garden - the best varieties for lovers 17395_1
    Forest strawberry fairy tale from spring to frost you have in the garden - the best varieties for lovers of Maria Verbilkova

    Strawberry. (Photo used by standard license ©

    Lost Dutch breeders, a compact bush for the season gives up to 0.5 kg of berries. They are bright red outside and white inside, have a sour-sweet taste and the magical aroma of forest strawberries. The first berries appear in the second half of June and continue to delight to the first frosts. Lack of grade - they are poorly stored and transported.

    Time-tested Czech variety of alpine strawberries. The taste and smell of ruby ​​berries are very close to the wild forest strawberry, but twice as much in size. Flowerines are powerful and tower over the leaves, which allows the berries to remain clean. The first buds flourish in May, and in June, the berries are already ripening, they can be eased to the first numerals of November.

    A variety derived by German breeders has been considered one of the most common. Berries are small (up to 5 g) of dark red, very fragrant and sweet, like landscapes with forest cleaners. But, unlike the latter, you can collect them not only in June, but until the end of October. The variety has a high yield, but is sensitive to drought, in hot time needs watering. Berries after harvesting for a long time retain freshness and are well transported.

    German breeders have created a very high-yielding grade. Impressable spherical bushes with a height of 18 cm have strong inflorescences that do not fall on the ground, so the berries are always clean. Red elongated fruits with a dense juicy pulp to taste resemble a wild berry. For June-October, you can collect 1 kg of berries.

    Luxurious bushes with powerful mustes, inflorescences of an unusual pink color and almy berries are extremely picturesque. No wonder in 2012, immediately after his appearance, this grade ranked first among decorative plants in the global competition. It is especially impressive than Tuscany in suspended porridge. Berries of conical shape weighing 10-15 g have a nice strawberry fragrance.

    Forest strawberry fairy tale from spring to frost you have in the garden - the best varieties for lovers 17395_2
    Forest strawberry fairy tale from spring to frost you have in the garden - the best varieties for lovers of Maria Verbilkova

    Strawberry. (Photo used by standard license ©

    A distinctive feature is an unusual amber-yellow color of berries. To taste and aroma, they exceed all the famous red-tree varieties. Their flesh is very gentle, sweet, with an amazing pineapple aftertaste. The grade is famous for high yield - about 1 kg of berries with bush. It is suitable for growing in the shaded places.

    The variety derived by Japanese breechers is known for abundant harvest and an unusual taste with honey notch. Height Kistica is about 15-20 cm, fruits measuring 2.5-4 g. This view is perfect for people with allergies to red berries. It is important to take into account that the grade is cleaned of watering, from drying it may die.

    Like a white swan, owes its existence to the Japanese, but has a mustache. In the garden conditions, it fertures from May to November, and in the room - all year round. Compact bushes form a lot of sockets that bloom and fruit, not even touching the earth. Groans resemble a white-green carpet. Berries weigh around 10 g

    Any of these species are worthy of attention and is able to create an extraordinary magic atmosphere in your garden. All varieties are easy to care, well tolerate cold winters, have excellent immunity to the usual diseases for strawberries. In order for the harvest to be always abundant, do not forget to update the landings every 3 years.

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