What apple trees can be found in the forest


    Good afternoon, my reader. Many of those people who love to visit forests in the middle lane of Russia, probably met the real apples in them, who calmly grow there among birch trees and pines. And if an ordinary person is simply surprised by this tree in the forest more often and will pass by, then several urgent issues may arise in the head of an experienced gardener. How does such a "home" plant appeared in the forest massif? And is it possible to dig a similar apple tree and put it in your own garden?

    What apple trees can be found in the forest 17377_1
    What apple trees can be found in the forest Maria Verbilkova

    Apples. (Photo used by standard license © ogorodnye-shpargalki.ru)

    Let's try to figure it out together.

    To begin with, I will say that there are two types of similar apple trees. This is a forest (wild) and homely (wild). They are two different grades and differ in themselves mainly by fruits.

    Forest apple tree is the great-grandfather known to all of us. Like any other deciduous tree, it is capable of expanding its range in nature itself. This is due to the fact that the flowers of such a tree are an excellent honey, and a wide variety of birds often nest in its branches. In addition, the apples fallen on the ground pick different animals that then spread their seeds far around the district.

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    What apple trees can be found in the forest Maria Verbilkova

    Apples. (Photo used by standard license © ogorodnye-shpargalki.ru)

    The wild apple tree grows throughout Central Europe and is often found also in South-West Asia. She loves sunny (outstanding) places and wet soil. Therefore, most likely you can meet a similar tree not in the forest, but somewhere on the edge or on the river bank.

    Externally, the wild apple tree looks like a fruit tree familiar. She has a dark brown trunk, a very dense bark and a variety of crown. Its height is usually from 2 to 10 meters. In addition to seeds, this plant is well multiplied by root process. Flowers wild apple tree in spring. Its white-pink boutons later turn into small (about 5 cm) yellow-green apples, which are usually assembled on the branches with dense bandages. The taste of such fruits, as a rule, is bitter, and the consistency is rustic.

    Another visible benefit on the garden plot from such an apple tree in general is not. Is that (theoretically) it can be used as a collection for other apple varieties. After all, this unpretentious "Dick" may well help the rampant home relative, successfully come across a new place.

    If you find that there are beautiful and delicious fruits on the forest apple tree, then you are home to you, which just wild.

    What apple trees can be found in the forest 17377_3
    What apple trees can be found in the forest Maria Verbilkova

    Apples. (Photo used by standard license © ogorodnye-shpargalki.ru)

    And options, as such a tree could be in the forest more often, there are several at once:

    • Earlier in this place there was some kind of human housing (garden, village, distant farm). Constructs disappeared over time, and apple trees remained.
    • Seeds of home apple trees brought birds (or other animals), which ate her fruits somewhere nearby.
    • The abandoned apple left here the man (mushroom, hunter).

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