"Are you married?" - Sergey Astakhov spoke about the sentence


Actor and his beloved met the film crew at home

Sergey Astakhov, StarGit.ru

To visit Sergey Astakhov, Timur Kizyakov came to visit the program "While all at home". One of the most sought-after artists of Russian cinema met the guests not one, but with the daughter of Maria and his beloved Victoria Savkeeva. The couple met in 2013 year. What is interesting, Sergey's heart has eaten at once at the sight of Victoria. But she did not recognize the popular actor.

There were two nights for an hour. I'm already tired of having fun with friends and gathered home. It remembered for life, because I go out, the door opens, and this little man comes. Of course, I took her phone number

- told Astakhov.

Apparently, he liked the girl, because on his own admission, she was tormented by the question - is he married?

I asked him very many times: "Are you married, are you married, married?" He said: "No, I am divorced, I will show you a stamp in the passport." I liked it when I asked him for the tenth time, right if he was not married, he replied that he had exactly and showed a photo of his daughter

- in turn, Vika shared.

Victoria Savkeeva, StarHit.ru

In the relationship of lovers reigns warmth and joy. Victoria touchingly tells - next to her beloved, she smiles all the time and this fact speaks for himself:

He knows how to do everything. I have not seen such people before, it is amazing for me. Serezhu appreciate for when I worked, I got up early, he got up even earlier and cleaned my car, he warmed it. I smile a lot next to him, it is very important for me

Earlier, Victoria worked as a junior teacher. But now he is engaged in organizing the tour Astakhov. However, it is a long story. As the movie star remembers, first, Vika did not cope:

At first she did not cope, and at the moment herself builds tours. I, of course, I get tired, sometimes fall, there was a moment when I could not get up before going to the stage at all ... Vika is always with me

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