Evgeny Satanovsky called the main purpose of "Poseidon" in a possible war with the United States


Evgeny Satanovsky called the main purpose of

Evgeny Satanovsky political analyst spoke about the main purpose of Russian Poseidon BTC. The expert appreciated the importance of the complex during the possible war with the United States.

Forbes criticizes "Poseidon"

Evgeny Satanovsky in the personal Telegram blog commented on the article published earlier in the edition of the Forbes article. In it, American experts tried to evaluate the Russian unmanned Transochante complex "Poseidon" consisting of army of the Russian Army. The authors of the article are not experts in the military-technical industry to criticize the characteristics of the rocket arsenal of the main competitor. So journalists mentioned the low speed of the drone, stating that during the period of time, while Poseidon will reach the coast of the United States Russia will already be destroyed.

Objectives "Poseidon"

The head of the Middle East Institute does not agree with such judgments. Satanovsky stressed that the authors of the publication in the US journal simply did not understand the subject. So they could not even understand the purpose of the Poseidon BTK. Without arguments, foreign reporters simply wrote a material that corresponds to the information war of the West against Russia. Any weapon has appropriate purpose and scope and evaluate the technological means of another sphere for general criteria. "Poseidon" was created not for high-speed movements of his task is not a lead to ahead of the enemy, which reflects the definition of echelonized defense.

Answer America

Russian BTK is designed to autonomously reach their shore and destroy the potential enemy in conditions of war with the United States. For such qualities, this set of warheads is called the weapon of the vessel's day erasing the significance of all other events on the scene of the Theater of Military Action. Its role is to be in complete victory and applying a critical damage or retribution for the attacker. Turning to the publicists Forbes Evgeny Satanovsky noted that their skepticism was painted since at the time when Poseidon will not have time to do not have time to do not physically. And this risk of disappearance of the United States of the White House of the Pentagon and the State Department best windshes the hot heads of the military car.

What risks Washington

Under the strike there are both coasts of the United States on which the main life is focused after hitting them the state itself will not be. In Russia, Russia has a completely different main points under the hypothetical strike of only two - Vladivostok and St. Petersburg. Moreover, by Evgeny, the Satan attack of the northern capital will rise at risk of the Baltic countries of NATO members. In the case of attacks, South Korea and Japan may suffer to the eastern region. If, in Washington, it is still "Poseidon" in Washington, then it is "Poseidon" will become a formidable weapon of ignition that will apply the US maximum damage to the country to the face of survival.

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