5 nuances of preparation of truly tasty and welded boards


To borsch turned out to be truly tasty, you do not need to invent anything or invent. It is enough to use fresh meat and follow the recommendations of professional chefs who are happy to share their tricks of cooking.

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Cook broth

The main "chip" borscht is properly welded broth. It is better to choose meat with a bone - based on it is a fragrant strong broth. Before cooking, you can fry meat for 10-15 seconds on each side. This trick will help keep all juices inside meat pieces.

No need to prepare meat from bone. If you cook it 1-1.5 hours, it will be easily separated from the bone.

What about the cabbage

Cabbage has an instrument to boil in a soup. If you add it at the end of cooking, it may turn out to be crisp, which will reflect on the taste of borscht.

For this it is necessary to choke and put it on a pan with a small amount of vegetable oil. You do not need to add spices. Borsch with a pre-stewed cabbage is obtained fragrant and acquires a golden shade.

Onions, carrots and beets

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Vegetables will be tastier if you put them on a pan until ready. Another cooking option implies the preparation of beets in the oven. This method helps to save saturated red.

The vegetable is baked in a foil, a lubricated droplet of vegetable oil, at a temperature of 150-170 degrees for 20 minutes. At the same time, the onions with carrots are roasted separately in a pan.

Tomato Pasta or Tomatoes

Another secret from professional chefs: Do not use fresh tomatoes, and put a couple of spoons of tomato paste. It can be added to vegetables until they steal.

If you decide to add fresh tomatoes to the borscht, then clean them from coarse leather, pre-wrapped. Cut the cubes and fry 5-10 minutes in a frying pan.

Observe the proportion

In preparation of borscht, the proportions of ingredients are important. If potatoes are greater, or cabbage will block the taste of beets, the soup will be tasteful. It is especially important to monitor the amount of ingredients when additional products are used.

For example, many cooks are offered to cook this dish with mushrooms, lentils or canned beans.

The ideal proportion that should be followed by: beets and cabbage should be 2-3 times more than other vegetables.

Use these simple rules, and you will get a beautiful and delicious borsch.

Article 5 of the nuances of preparation of truly tasty and welded boards was published on the website of itsfood.ru.

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