Which of the "sharp visors" dresses better - Tommy Shelby or Luka Changrett?


The plot of the fourth season is almost entirely dedicated to Vendette. Luka Changrett comes from America with her mafii friends to kill all the members of the Shelby family.

When Luke (Adrian Brouda) is first met with Tommy Shelby (Killian Murphy), he evaluating him on him, grins and says: "I was told that you love to dress well. But not as good as me. " From now on, we started to closely look at what Luke looks like and what wears Tommy to decide: who still looks cooler.

In the yard, we recall, almost the middle of the 20th century. Luka who arrived from the United States, we see the first time and do not know how he looked before. For the evolution of Tommy's style, we watched all four seasons - he had done a long way from the poor bookmaker, who had just returned from the war, to bohemian rich, who did not know what to lower money to lament them alone.

Luke immediately reports his colleagues on mafia affairs, that they dress as the British and wear costumes, sewished by local tailors, and we conceive: maybe, really the Italians hiding in the basements in New York, own the art of Bespoke better than Britons?

Well, let's compare.

Which of the

Hat VS Kep

A gang created by Tommy is called Peaky Blinders. It translates into Russian as "sharp visors", and in the process of adaptation, an additional meaning is lost. Peaky Blinders not only carry the kepins that have visors, but also hide the razor blades on the back of the head in the lining of the head remove, which are used during a fight to blind (Blind - translated "blind") opponent. Yes, the hat, definitely, looks beautiful and pathetic, but, given the functionality of such a cloud and support for David and Brooklyn Beckham, we give the victory of Tommy Shelby.

Account - 0: 1 in favor of Tommy Shelby.

Kep, Kingsman, 11 023 rub. on MrPorter.com.

Hat, Lock & Co. Hatters, 41 556 rub. on MrPorter.com.

Hat, Lock & Co. Hatters, 17 059 rub. on MrPorter.com.

Kep, Kingsman, 10 936 rub. on MrPorter.com.

Toothpick VS Cigarette

While Tommy Non-Stop chews a cigarette (honestly, we are wondering how the heroes did not die by the middle of the third season, given that they are constantly smoking, drinking and sniffing cocaine), Luka Changrett holds toothpick in the mouth. We do not know why she always and everywhere she (maybe at a critical moment and toothpick becomes a weapon), but it definitely does not harm her teeth, breathing and skin, like a cigarette.

Account - 1: 1.

Which of the

Medium length vs undercut

Tommy has problems with fantasy when it comes to haircuts - all four (we believe that and five) he walks with the same hairstyle. Shared whiskey and headings and magnificent lapses higher - this is the Undercut urokomin, which men around the world are constantly worried about 100 years. On Luke, the hair of medium length, which can be laid back, sideways, leave bangs or just to wear as a very short car. Changrett leaves a space for creativity, for which wins this round.

Account - 2: 1 in favor of Luke.

Wide lake vs fur collar

In the fourth season, Tommy won on a coat with a fur collar. But fur, as you can see, not long and thick, and short and neat. Most likely, this collar does not particularly warm, but accurately declares about the status and a thick wallet of the owner of the outerwear. Changrett is wearing a coat with wide sharp lapels, which scream the following: "The man in this coat now cuts you." In principle, we like both options for the outerwear, but Tommy coat can also boast a beautiful red silk lining. So the score in his favor.

Account - 2: 2.

Which of the

Givenchy, 130 706 rub. on Farfetch.com.

MARNI, 107 399 rub. on Farfetch.com.

Saint Laurent, 142 585 rub. on Farfetch.com.

Balmain, 89 400 rubles. on Farfetch.com.

Wide Ties VS Narrow

By the middle of the 20th century, fashion began in America, fashion for wide ties began, whereas in England, they were still mostly narrow models. Luke wears not only them, but also silk headscarves, which, by the way, go to him more. In the first seasons, Tommy wore a shirt with a removable collar without a tie, for which I wanted to put him on the neck. But then Shelby was formed and explicitly got a good collection of accessories. In his arsenal, narrow monophonic ties, knitted silk and woolen, with patterns and patterns.

Account - 2: 3 in favor of Tommy.

Giorgio Armani, 11 372 rub. on MrPorter.com.

Saint Laurent, 14 872 rub. on MrPorter.com.

Tom Ford, 12 248 rubles. on MrPorter.com.

Suits-Troika Striped VS Twid Oddon

As Tommy, he tried to join the Higher Bohemian Society (and bought mansions, and played golf, and the portfolio acquired, and the glasses climbed), he still remained for all the poor representative of the proletariat. Its pedigree is given primarily simple tweed monophonic costumes with some free pants, which, as a rule, wear factory workers. But Luka flashes in twos and three of the mixture of wool and flax, and even in a cage, and strip.

Account - 3: 3.

Which of the

Tagliatore, 64 044 rub. on Farfetch.com.

Gabriele Pasini, 51 418 rub. on Farfetch.com.

Eleventy, 55 332 rub. on Farfetch.com.

Rings VS Clock on a chain and tie clamp

Luka Changrett, ready to argue, already acquired wrist hours (still lives in progressive America), but does not shine. But it demonstrates several of its family perverseas, which probably met with dozens of people of sworn enemies. Tommy does not part with pocket clock. If at the beginning of the series on top of the vest, a thin chain dangled, then to the fourth season, the clock got a thick gold chain with some kind of precious stone. The accessory contradicts not only the clamp for a tie from another metal, but also bracelets for shirt sleeves. Such jewelry was needed by men at the beginning of the 20th century to curb too wide sleeves. But Tommy chose so noticeable bracelets that hardly managed to forget about his Gypsy origin. Bruep. Our verdict - if you do not belong to any clan of the Italian mafia and have not learned to ride a horse and guess before walking, do not repeat anyone from the heroes.

Account - 3: 3.

Pocket watch, Burberry Pre-Owned, 39 599 rub. on Farfetch.com.

Ring, Tom Wood, 163 997 rub. on MrPorter.com.

Tie clamp, Burberry, 19 300 rub. on Farfetch.com.

Ring, Bunney, 41 993 rub. on MrPorter.com.

Tie clamp, Thom Brown, 35 200 rubles. on Farfetch.com.

Death VS Life

Considering that at the end of the fourth season, Luke poured his excellent Italian suit with his own blood and leaned back, while Tommy put on a sweater over his shirt and went to play golf, Shelby still has a chance to profite his style and become the main character of Streeting Birmingham. And in the confrontation of death and life always wins the latter, if only because it has at least some prospects.

Account: 3: 4 in favor of Tommy.

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