Manicure who visually old hands

Manicure who visually old hands 1731_1
Manicure, which visually old hands Olya Mizukalina

Visiting beauty salon to guide the beauty of the handles, try to avoid manicure, which visually olds your hands. It does not matter, young you are a girl or an adult woman, the effect of him will be about the same. With the age of hand and so lose their former elasticity, and you, making such a manicure, only emphasize age-related changes.

What manicure visually old hands

The age can be both certain shades of varnishes and some types of design. We will discuss both of these items so that in the future you have not made such mistakes and make only the emphasis on your beauty manicure.

What should I avoid when choosing a design? Here is a list where basic mistakes are collected:

  • Too much shine. Very often, women, wanting to look fashionable and youthful, cover their nails with brilliant varnishes, neon and acid shades, use pearl coating, glytter and wipping. But all the above, in fact, plays against you. Thus, you only emphasize the shortcomings of your hands, wrinkles, dry skin and irregularity of nails.
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Manicure, which visually old hands Olya Mizukalina
Manicure who visually old hands 1731_3
Manicure, which visually old hands Olya Mizukalina
  • Design for teenagers. Probably, you have ever seen on the nails of adolescent girls design, in which there is no living place on one nail. All of them are painted, painted, covered with rhinestones or glitter. If in adolescence this can be considered normal, then adult women such a design is simply contraindicated. It looks stupid and draws attention to the flaws of the skin.
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Manicure, which visually old hands Olya Mizukalina
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Manicure, which visually old hands Olya Mizukalina
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Manicure, which visually old hands Olya Mizukalina
  • Gold and luxury. If you use gold in your manicure, be it lacquer, foil or sparkles, then it should be in moderation. The design of the manicure, in which the entire nail plate shines and overflows with gold, terribly olds your hands. Such a design can afford only that young girls and then on New Year's Eve.
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Manicure, which visually old hands Olya Mizukalina
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Manicure, which visually old hands Olya Mizukalina
  • Floral motifs on all nails. The abundance of colors on the nails looks alive and adds to your hands of the unnecessary years. It is only worth looking at the design, in which all the nails are decorated with bouquets of roses of tulips or peonies, everything immediately becomes clear. If you want a floral manicure - decorate with small stylish flowers one or two nails.
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Manicure, which visually old hands Olya Mizukalina
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Manicure, which visually old hands Olya Mizukalina
  • Bright red. Very bright shades of red, no matter how you love them, can play against you. Against red background, wrinkles are very clearly visible, the skin seems pale, veins are shone. But, if you really want to make a manicure in a similar style, stop on burgundy and wine shades. They look elegant, feminine and will always be relevant.
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Manicure, which visually old hands Olya Mizukalina
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Manicure, which visually old hands Olya Mizukalina

In addition, a manicure with an incorrectly chosen nail shape can be visually aging of hands. The most unsuccessful options are very long oval or pointed, square with sharp corners, cut to the maximum and completely round nails.

It is worth saying about the very help of the skin of the hands. No varnish will save the appearance of your hands, if the skin is dry and neglected. Therefore, take care of the skin of the hands always and everywhere - use gloves when working around the house and use nutrient creams.

Colors capable of aging

Now we want to separately focus on the colors of varnishes, which have a negative ability to visually arrange hands. So, older women better avoid the following colors on their marigolds:

  • grey;
  • blue;
  • purple;
  • green;
  • ultramarine;
  • Pink and fuchsia.

You can use these colors as small accents on several marigolds, for patterns and patterns. But it's not worth covering them with a nail plate, because it will not add beauty to you.

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Manicure, which visually old hands Olya Mizukalina
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Manicure, which visually old hands Olya Mizukalina

Manicure that visually rejuvenates hands

About the design that adds the hands of the hands, we talked, so it's time to figure out what kind of manicure can be called rejuvenating. First of all, it is worth saying again about the beauty of the skin itself. Well-groomed hands, without flaws and wrinkles, is the first step towards success. Next, you need to take care of a successful form, where we will draw a soft square or rounded shape with an average length.

Choosing a varnish color, consider your natural skin color. If your skin is dark, then dark shades are most suitable. The bright skin in this plan is more universal.

Interesting: white manicure with sparkles

If you want to rejuvenate your hands, then use such secrets in the manicure:

  • Nude shades. It is very good and, probably, the most universal manicure. It looks gently and feminine, and also perfectly fit into any image. Accordingly, the skin of the hands against the backdrop of beige, dairy and gentle-pink shades will look fresh and young.
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Manicure, which visually old hands Olya Mizukalina
Manicure who visually old hands 1731_16
Manicure, which visually old hands Olya Mizukalina
  • Minimum decor. If you want a manicure with a decor, then choose more restrained options. Very young and fresh geometric drawings, stripes and points look.
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Manicure, which visually old hands Olya Mizukalina
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Manicure, which visually old hands Olya Mizukalina
  • Make french. The French manicure is a classic that immediately says that you have a good taste. Beautiful Franch in standard version rejuvenates your hands and make them very attractive.

Well, of course, consider the age-related changes to your nail plate to hide them if necessary with the help of a suitable design.

Interesting: Milk manicure: new designs 2021

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Manicure, which visually old hands Olya Mizukalina
Manicure who visually old hands 1731_20
Manicure, which visually old hands Olya Mizukalina

Examples of manicure, which visually old hands, you can see the photos on the photos presented here. If you always want to look stylish and young, do not repeat these errors. In case of uncertainty, ask the Council from the Master - a competent specialist will always tell me which design to choose to hide the available flaws.

Interesting: Matte manicure: Fashionable combinations 2021

The POST manicure, which visually old hands first appeared on modnayadama.

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