Secrets of obtaining abundant crop currants


    Good afternoon, my reader. In order to achieve from currant abundant harvest, some rules for growing this culture should be known.

    Secrets of obtaining abundant crop currants 17307_1
    Secrets of obtaining abundant crop currants Maria Verbilkova

    Currant. (Photo used by standard license ©

    For the entire season, the culture must be pouring only 3 times. However, it should be done correctly. Currant requires moisture during the growth of shoots and the formation of fruits. Culture without watering gives a rather weak harvest, the berries will be small and not juicy, and the skin on them is formed fat.

    The first polyvka must be carried out during the period of active growth of foliage and formation of the margin. It usually happens in the last decade of May - early summer. The second time you have to pour at the end of June during the ripening of berries.

    In the third watering, the plant needs at the end of the harvesting of berries, insufficient moisture in the ground during this period adversely affects the formation of flower kidney. It follows from this that in the next year you can lose your crop.

    So that the liquid during watering does not spread, make a small groove around the shrub. It is possible to put a low plastic or metal fencing around the currant bush.

    If before planting a culture in the ground, the fertilizer needed for the plant was made, then the currant will be completely without feeding for several years. But if the fertilizer is to enter only in the landing deepening, the shrub should be filled twice for the entire season.

    Secrets of obtaining abundant crop currants 17307_2
    Secrets of obtaining abundant crop currants Maria Verbilkova

    Currant feeding. (Photo used by standard license ©

    Currant needs nutrition during the formation of zinc and at the end of fruiting. It must be remembered that it is necessary to add fertilizer to the soil or irrigate the plant only in the grooves around the shrub, but not to the center of the priority circle.

    In the rain period, make fertilizers in a dry form.

    In case there is no possibility to purchase the necessary fertilizers, sprinkle around the bush ashes (500 g per plating). Distribute away from the shrub to the distance of about 20-30 cm. The feeder follow 10-15 August.

    The soil under the bushes should not be dry, and therefore it should be mulched. To do this, you can use the most different materials: newspapers, sawdust, straw, peat.

    Secrets of obtaining abundant crop currants 17307_3
    Secrets of obtaining abundant crop currants Maria Verbilkova

    Currant. (Photo used by standard license ©

    This plant is one of the most frost-resistant in the garden, but the kidneys can be frozen with strong temperatures. So that this does not happen, you need to burn to the ground the shoots of the currant, and the bush itself is to hide the snow.

    Unexpected frosts arising in the spring can damage the ovary, and they will appear. In addition, the cold wind during the flowering of the plant may not affect pollination, since insects are practically not flying in such weather. And therefore the fruits are not tied.

    In the period of frosting shrubs, it is necessary to spray with water and protect the smoke. There may be problems with pollination. It is necessary when choosing seedlings to acquire samopidal cultures or attract bees to the garden plot.

    If there is a heat during flowering, then it also does not affect the currants. Pestiki dry out, and the period of pollination of the flowerflies is much reduced.

    These insects are the main assistants of the gardeners. In order for the bees to not fly by, spray the bushes with sweet water: solvent 1 tbsp in one liter of water. Spoonful of honey.

    If you comply with these rules, you can collect with currant abundant and best harvest of berries.

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