Hi "Crazy handles": 5 variants of crafts from garbage


Reuse, Reduce and Have Fun

The main environmental principles sound like this: reduce consumption, use reuse, process (in the English version it sounds more concise: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle). We have already told you how to live more environmentally friendly, even if there are no separate garbage collection points in your city, and now keep some ideas that will help turn garbage into real creative developments.

Let's recognize the parenthood is non-environmentally. We annually produce hundreds of dirty diapers, dya-packs from puree and polyclinic bohot. The coronavirus pandemic also left his imprint: we began to order goods and food with delivery more often, because of what even more garbage began to appear at home.

We tell how to recycle it into high-quality entertainment for children.

Packs from Packets

Deliver a package with packages, will create! Plastic bags quickly dig and decompose it for a long time, and some of them can do a variety of things.

Photo: CreativeJewishmom.com What do you need?

Several transparent rustling packages (good if they are colored)


Strong thread

How to do?

Take a few packages and straighten them so that they become flat.

Cut up the top (handles) and the bottom (bottom) part of the package so that you have the squares.

Then fold the package in half (in order for his Boca) and still in half.

Cut the bundle across the pieces of 1,5-2 centimeters wide, and you will get a set of closed rings.

Collect the resulting rings in a bundle (you can mix rings of different colors) than it is more, the more fluffy will be your pompon, and tie them in the middle, and then flip.

To make a pompon even more fluffy, you can cut the loops at the ends of the rings.

Photo: CreativeJewishmom.com.

Large pompons can be decorated with a room for the holiday (or just like that!), Small can be used as bows per boxes with gifts or assemble the whole christmas garland of them.

Yarn from packs

Most of the steep crafts from plastic packages require first to turn these packages into the yarn, which is cordored in the balls and then use to knit a variety of things: from welded rugs and spurs to hammocks.

Photo: usefuldiy.com What will you need?

Plastic packages of any color


How to do?

The preparatory stage here is the same as the pomponov.

Take a few packages and straighten them so that they become flat.

Cut up the top (handles) and the bottom (bottom) part of the package so that you have the squares.

Then fold the package in half to make his sides, and then in half.

Cut the bundle across the width of 1.5-2 centimeters, you will get a set of closed rings.

Then the resulting rings must be associated with each other, selling one ring to another. More can be viewed on the video.

The resulting yarn ware into the ball.

And now you can only stop your fantasy and kicked or knitting skills. As a result, a great family project can get - a child can help you do yarn or even knit an object that you will choose together.

Pets from bottles from detergents

You just look at what a cool zoo!

What do you need?

Bottles from air conditioners for linen, washing gels

Glue for plastic

Colored paper and cardboard



Large nails or sticks from which you can make a toy legs

Any little things that can be useful for decoration (feathers, ribbons, stickers).

How to do?

Put the bottle on the side, if she has a handle, then it must be top.

Four legs to the "belly" of your future animal.

The neck of the bottle, closed with a lid, will be a pen and the nose of the animal, draw it or glue your eyes.

Decorate the beast to your taste: it can have a paper tail, wings, a strip of fur or feathers on the back.

Photo: CDN.DIYS.com.

If you add a narrow slot on the back of the animal, it will be completely able to serve you and your children as an unusual piggy bank.

Medusa from the package

Very simple handicraft, which will take place and captivate a small child for a long time.

What do you need?

Plastic water bottle (with lid)

Blue paint or food dye

Plastic bag (preferably transparent)

Thin thread or fishing line

How to do?

Spread the package so that it becomes flat.

Cut the bottom and handles from him, and then cut it on the sides - you will need only one square.

Roll into the middle of the square your jellyfish head is a small bubble with air. Tie it at the bottom of the thread, but not too tight to pour some water into the bubble.

Cut the edges of your square for 8-10 strips, it will be a jellyfish tentacles.

Then cut each strip on 3-4 thin tentacles, the fact that it will remain - cut and pull out. Too lush jellyfish will not be able to swim freely in the bottle.

Cut the tentacle so that some were shorter, and some are longer.

Add some water into the "head" of jellyfish so that the air in it also remains. So she can swim.

Fill the bottle with water, add several drops of paint to it, mix, and then carefully place the jelly in it and close the lid.

Ships from traffic

A simple way to turn adult entertainment to children's - all parents who love viniche after the penucky are dedicated.

Photo: mama. PAPA. Bubba What do you need?

Corks from wine (three pieces for one boat)

Stationery gum

Wooden spanks

Dense tissue, oilcloth or leather - any material that will keep the form and will not splash in water

Nail or awl

Photo: mama. PAPA. Bubba how to do?

Put three plugs in a row and secure them with rubber bands.

Using a nail or sewed, make a hole for mast in the middle of the middle plug.

Photo: mama. PAPA. Bubba.

Insert a skeleton into the hole that will be your mast.

Cut the sail from the fabric or other material, do two holes in it - on top and bottom, and attach it to the mast.

If you wish, stick to the top of the mast paper checkbox.

Find a "reservoir" (a basin or bath with water perfectly fit) and go ahead - you can go swimming!

Photo: mama. PAPA. Bubba.
Photo: mama. PAPA. Bubba.

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