Aviation Veterans appealed to Nazarbayev, Tokayev and Musabayev


Aviation Veterans appealed to Nazarbayev, Tokayev and Musabayev

Aviation Veterans appealed to Nazarbayev, Tokayev and Musabayev

Almaty. March, 6. KazTAG - Veterans Aviation appealed to the first president of Nursultan Nazarbayev, head of state Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev and the Senator, the famous astronaut Talgat Musabayev, reports the agency correspondent.

"Allow me to contact you as the founder of our state on behalf of veterans and civil aviation workers concerned about the situation in the industry.

In 2015, you suggested a comprehensive plan to implement institutional reforms in Kazakhstan - a "100 specific steps" nation plan, the 68th step of which involves "improving the efficiency of state regulation of air transportation to increase the attractiveness of the air traffic through Kazakhstan. The activities of the Civil Aviation Committee will be focused on the model of the British State Agency for Civil Aviation and EU Aviation Safety Agency. You are right, as the ICAO requirements have been adopted in the world that government functions for certification and surveillance in civil aviation should be divided between different state bodies, "the appeal says.

It is noted that for the execution of orders, changes and additions to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 15, 2010 No. 339-IV "On the use of the airspace of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Aviation Activities" (hereinafter referred to as the Law), which were created by an authorized organization in the field of civil aviation, designed Assist to the Civil Aviation Committee (CGA) to carry out state functions for certification and supervision in civil aviation, and not to replace it.

"But actually created the subject of commerce - Aviation Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan (AAA JSC), to which KGA his internal documents referred certification and supervision in civil aviation, which did it thoroughly from the execution of state functions assigned to it, violated the law and did the meaning of 68- a step of a plan of the nation, where there is no word about the subject of commerce. Also, for further legalization of its actions and misleading the country's leadership, aviation officials from CGA were submitted to the decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 7, 1999 No. 205 "On the streamlining of state control and supervisory functions", according to which the transfer of state control and supervisory functions by state Enterprises and other organizations that do not have the status of a state body "were made by paragraph 3-1., who excluded the effect of this decree on the sector of civil aviation, but at the same time they made a reference to the aforementioned law, in which state functions for certification and supervision are still fixed for The authorized body in the field of civil aviation - that is, KGA, "- reported in circulation.

Also, civil aviation veterans noted that the authorized organization in the field of civil aviation (AAA JSC), the officials were embedded by corruption risks, when financing is carried out by profits of the proposal organization RGP "Kazaeronavigation"), which broke the principle of independence and significantly worsened financial and economic The state of the RGP "Kazaeronavigation", and significant financial means instead of updating air navigation equipment, spend on the content of AAA JSC.

"But on this, the officials from the CGA do not calm down and hurry are trying to make changes to the laws to legalize the content of AAA JSC due to industry entities. Thus, the bills are dragged to the laws that allow AAK JSC to carry out the purchase of services and material and technical equipment without compulsory for all state procurement procedures from manufacturers and providers of Kazakhstanic origin. Thus, currently state functions for certification and surveillance in civil aviation performs an enterprise that does not have the status of a state body and addicted by repressive methods of work, "the aviators are outraged.

Also, I do not like veterans and the fact that "CGA plans to convey purely state functions to investigate accidents and incidents in AAK JSC, which generally brends the requirements of both ICAO and European flight safety (EASA).

"So, ICAO requires that the functions of the accident investigation and incidents be only under state of state and were fully independent of the authorized bodies in the field of civil aviation, because This ensures the completeness and objectivity of investigations and eliminates the risks of self-government, corruption, exceeding and abuse of powers when performing state functions in civil aviation. Also, to ensure real independence, ICAO recommends the transfer of state functions to investigate into emergencies or to regional interstate organizations, such as poppy CIS, or international organizations similar to it, "is noted.

Considering the current situation and plans, the aviators "arises about the very safety system of flight security in the Republic of Kazakhstan, from which the level of national security and the country's defense capability also depends, since aviation (including civil) and its high infrastructure, technical and its high infrastructure, technical and Personnel potential is a strategic resource of the state. "

"We are aviation specialists, as patriots of their country, are concerned about the personnel policy in civil aviation, when its national enterprises and divisions are headed by incomprehensible from where incomplete, foreign experts with police and other" muddy "past, which are interested only in rich resources of Kazakhstan, but do not interest him The people and his future. Really among 18 million Kazakhstan's sons and daughters will not be worthy, modest, honest and educated aerial, middle and younger generations, living for their homeland and their people who can lead and behave forward our Kazakhstani aviation, which has a wonderful past, their own Glorious traditions and great future? " - Associate the question turned.

In conclusion, experts are asked to support their following initiatives:

1 Return state functions to control and supervision in civil aviation to the state body - KGA.

2 Assign AAK JSC the status of the state body with all the ensuing consequences and responsibility, putting on it to the execution of state functions for certification in civil aviation.

3 Transfer state functions to investigate accidents and incidents to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4 Consider the possibility of transferring state functions to investigate accidents into the Interstate Aviation Committee of the CIS countries or other international organizations to investigate accidents and incidents in which the Republic of Kazakhstan consists of as a subject of international law.

In total, more than 30 signatures were collected. One of those who have signed this appeal was the president of ASIA Continental Avialines, Academician of the International Academy of Informatization Rushidin Kichikov. His experience in aviation is more than 40 years. According to him, this is the second appeal to the first persons of Kazakhstan. Before that, the letter was addressed to Nazarbayev.

"Civil aviation is a reserve of the air force of any country. We are all air force officers. (...) Now some supposedly British model in civil aviation is created. But they brought a little. There is a state corporation. (...) For the power, it's a shame. Are we, the English colony? Why should we obey some incomprehensible pilot? (...) Two years ago wrote a letter, signed it, sent to the president to the first. But, in my opinion, it was never submitted before him. It went on networks, according to WhatsApp, which should not be like that the state body should be engaged in aviation, and not the JSC or the association should be, or the Ministry of Transport and Communications at a thin end. But the result did not bring, "the kickers said.

The editorial office of Mia KazTag for comments appealed to the press service of the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development, as well as in the Civil Aviation Committee. The CGA was advised to contact Miir RK directly.

We will remind, in January 2020, it was reported that more than T40 billion lost the RGP "Kazaeronavigation" in Bank RBK and Qazaq Banki when reorienting Kazakhstani aviation to the British model.

Earlier, the editors, with reference to the source reported that President Tokaeva warned about the problems in civil aviation in the middle of 2019, and he even instructed the government to take concrete measures, but the authors of the letter eventually received a formal response. As the source clarified, the appeal was sent to the President of Kazakhstan back in mid-2019. In it, Kazakhstani aviators also ask for the head of state to impose a moratorium on the establishment of the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan.

Aviation Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan began work on August 1, 2019. Since the creation of the aircategory is headed by the UK citizen Peter Griffiths.

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