Parking of the year: in the mud, also stamped the cone. But there is another opinion

Parking of the year: in the mud, also stamped the cone. But there is another opinion 17245_1
Parking of the year: in the mud, also stamped the cone. But there is another opinion 17245_2
Parking of the year: in the mud, also stamped the cone. But there is another opinion 17245_3
Parking of the year: in the mud, also stamped the cone. But there is another opinion 17245_4
Parking of the year: in the mud, also stamped the cone. But there is another opinion 17245_5
Parking of the year: in the mud, also stamped the cone. But there is another opinion 17245_6
Parking of the year: in the mud, also stamped the cone. But there is another opinion 17245_7
Parking of the year: in the mud, also stamped the cone. But there is another opinion 17245_8
Parking of the year: in the mud, also stamped the cone. But there is another opinion 17245_9
Parking of the year: in the mud, also stamped the cone. But there is another opinion 17245_10

The apartment question - on Bulgakov - spoiled Muscovites, and Minsk residents, apparently, spoils the question of parking. It would be necessary to become in the yard so much that it is not only anxious is considered not only to break the rules of the road, but also to smear in the mud, it's not the ears. And such an unclean parking place is considered to be quite attractive in order to protect him with a cone from other people's encroachments.

Hurry to all forced the user of our forum with Nick GarbageCollector2. Place of shooting: Minsk, Street Tashkent, neighborhood of house number 18/4.

- It seems that the possibility of receiving the exclusive right to turn the lawn plot into the porridge of the dirt and the folding of it by the asphalt adjacent to the "parking". Does anyone know how much costs? And the cone is issued or necessary to buy? And is the cost of restoring lawn in a monthly fee? In the photo below the red line - asphalt, sunk in the dirt happy possessors of parking spaces, - noted by our reader.

In terms of cost, by the way, we can orient.

For the destruction of lawn, responsibility is provided under Part 3 of Art. 16.17 Code of Administrative Offenses: "illegal removal, transplanting growing in settlements of wood-shrub vegetation, not included in the forest fund, or damage to such vegetation or its destruction, or damage or destruction of flower beds, lawns located in settlements, entail The imposition of a fine in the amount of up to thirty basic values, on an individual entrepreneur - from ten to two hundred base values, and on a legal entity - from twenty to three hundred baseline values.

But this is if someone is attracted by this article that, in the case of such natural parking, it is extremely unlikely. Drivers know: it is difficult to prove anything. Whose action specifically led to the destruction of the lawn, when it happened and so on - the answer to these questions is not so simple. Some, realizing that with a lot of probability will be impunity, enjoy the situation.

There are, of course, the responsibility for the violation of paragraph 43.15 of traffic rules: "Stopping and parking of vehicles is prohibited on lawns and other areas with green plantings." For h. 1 Art. 18.18 Administrative Code Stop or Vehicle Parking With Violation of Road Rules, the imposition of a fine in the amount of one basic value is 29 rubles, and that if it comes to it. In general, inexpensively, at least, is not expensive enough to keep the drivers from the green zone away.

Hence so much dirt on Tashkent Street, and almost everywhere in the city courts.

But in the case under consideration, also plastic cones are of particular interest. Our reader concluded that with their help drivers "book" parking spaces in the mud.

- Part of parking spaces in the yard is styled by such a plastic grid - there are a much smaller dirt, but also a kind of one. I think the beginning of "privatization" and was set to install these grids. And at these places it is still somehow possible to explain the presence of cones (although I understand what is also illegal), "said GarbageCollector2.

In the courtyard - grass. So it was sometime for Tashkent. Already once for a long time.

- Last summer, instead of grass was already a rolled land with a bunch of Bugrov - because of such "Parkunov", in fact, - the reader believes. - There were never herbs there never, and it is unlikely that I will see.

Meanwhile, the interlocutor is confident that the car owners could find another, right from the point of view of the PDD place for parking - it would be desire.

- With parking, things are not so terrible, as in new areas. Not without problems, of course, but, riding in the yards, almost always you will find a free space. If suddenly there is no - near the "Chizhovka Arena" (5 minutes walk) just always have places. In addition, there are paid parkings (35 rubles per month) - 10-15 minutes walk, - added GarbageCollector2.

35 rubles for parking is only a little more than one fine for violation of traffic rules. But the fine may, maybe, maybe it will probably be so reasonable.

As a result, Tashkent meets the spring in the mud, which has not yet seen in many areas. Even on the Angarskaya, about the similar problems of which we recently mentioned, things are better. But, as they say, here they are, prospects.

Forum user with Nick Minzurka published current photos of "prosperous" Angarskaya.


A completely different look at the situation on the street Tashkent, our reader Maria was offered. She told Onliner, which lives in the house number 18/4 for 42 years and knows the situation from the very beginning.

- For several years, we have been fighting for all the yard to equip parking spaces. We have a fourth building from the road. In the first three buildings, overhauls were fully made in homes, roads were expanded, parking was made. Before our house does not reach your hand. Our trees are standing above at home. I submit an application to the HSS - we even do not cut the trees. At the same time, one tree has already fallen into the car, fortunately, no one was near, - noted the woman.

Residents, according to her, performed the initiative to arrange parking in the yard and even were ready to throw on her. But then the initiative was not supported in the district administration.

- But in 2015, we all collected in the ZHES and provided the estimate of 120 million: they said that for this money we will make 10 parking spaces. 12 million for a place - the amount is not small, let's say. Naturally, people refused, "says Maria.

She sent a response signed by the Director of the Housing Director No. 6 of the factory district in 2017, to appeal.

- We gave us permission to arrange 15 parking spaces. The rooms were collected in apartments, went, bought flooring of eco-park. The chips are exhibited there with one goal: so that the major services do not come to these places. Because the courtyard is narrow. Delivery machines come, bring to people with household equipment. And everyone performs a turn through a parking place that man made. And all the dirt - it is not from passenger cars. And from such reversal of heavy trucks, - the interlocutor noted.

- That is, under the mud, which can be seen in the photo, these lattices for eco-party are?

- They are already broken at the end. And now we are all waiting for spring to buy and put new ones - we do it every spring, "says Maria.

- And no one park on the green zone, everything is just on the lattices?

- Yes.

Today in the yard is crowded. Representatives of ZHES, traffic police officers arrived.

- The permission was received by us, and today representatives of the JES tell me that they do not know where we took this permission, and we all did wrong. Now we are going to put 40 hemispheres in the yard to protect parking spaces. At the same time, the courtyard is constantly coming soon, because Cakes. Two years ago, we had a fire in 2 nights, the firefighters came, the benefit of us all the cars were on the side, and that was barely reached, because in the neighboring courtyards, on the way to us, badly go. God forbid some fire or something else - even the firefighters will not come to us, "our reader complained.

The tenrent hull tenants feel stirred in rights compared to neighbors.

- To achieve that we have a overhaul or something else, we can not. We have the 1st Corps - exemplary - there, even on the entrances, the pictures are drawn. In our 4th case, nothing is done. Payments to overhaul we pay the same as the rest. At the same time, we fight for your yard. I achieved in Zhes, we put a sandbox, we ourselves went, wearing sand into it. The Gorka was set up, they set the swing, - said Maria.

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