Life in the airport zone: Tens of thousands of Russians have appeared to register homes

Life in the airport zone: Tens of thousands of Russians have appeared to register homes 17242_1

The problem of registration of residential buildings a few kilometers from the airport can be solved in the near future. Amendments to the law on the so-called sub-produce territories have already been made to the State Duma. For tens of thousands of families across the country, this means that they will be able to officially register their home or register in the apartment, which was in the protected area.

Some Russians began problems in 2017, when the air code has changed and all residential buildings 30 kilometers from the airport automatically hit the security zone.

In the Samara region for this reason, a regional program for the allocation of sections in large families was found on the verge of failure. The fact that this is a security area of ​​the airport, large families who received plots learned a year later. Some managed to lay the foundations, and some - even build at home. Now these families collided with a logical contradiction: there is a permit for the construction of the house, and there is no right to issue it. In registering people refuse.

The area of ​​the airport crossed the plans of many developers. The regional authorities say that everything was done according to the suit of the transport prosecutor's office, and the regional officials who allocated land, they learned about the problems among the latter, although the project of the security zone itself began to develop a few years ago. However, not only the future settlement for large families, but also a dozen others and even part of Samara falls under the prohibitions.

It is noteworthy that in many cities - in Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Irkutsk - airports are located in the city. Pioneers for the implementation of the Law - Yakutsk, Penza, Sheremetyevo and Vnukovo airports. They prescribed the zone, but they cut to bypass residential neighborhoods. The rest to fulfill the law do not hurry, so its implementation was postponed for 2025.

In Yekaterinburg, where the Koltsovo Airport Security Zone project is reworked at once again, the program of resettlement of residents of dilapidated housing was threatened. The territory was given to development, but the private owners are afraid in such conditions. In Moscow, the sacrifices of the security zone were the shareholders of the residential complexes under construction. Construction permits are disputed in court.

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