As celebrities live now after the peak of their career

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Popularity is not a simple test. Past merits are quickly forgotten and soon, all those who walked the star simply forget about its existence.

We offer to learn how stars live after the peak of their careers, which of them managed to undergo a test of glory, and who did not

Popularity is not a simple test. Past merits are quickly forgotten and soon, all those who walked the star simply forget about its existence.

Sarah Michel Geller
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In the late 1990s, the series "Buffy Winner Vampires" came out on the screens. After that, it was difficult to find a teenager who would not know the performer from the leading role to Sarah Michel Geller. All guys were in love with her, and girls imitated her. But since that time, all fans of the actress rose, and new works, the same ambitious, as the role of Buffy, did not have the actress. Sarah hoped that after filming the series, a mass of proposals would be collapsed for her and she will be filmed in the premiere, but something went wrong. Sarah returned to shooting in TV shows and participation in television shows. But there was no success in a matured actress. Now Geller launched his culinary brand and more like a business woman than the star of the series.

Toby Maguire
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After entering the screens of the film "Spiderman", a little-known until that time, Toby Maguire seemed that he would always remain on top of popularity. But the filming of the fourth part of the film was dragged, and after and stopped at all. Toby decided to independently do film filming, but none of his projects did not become successful. Now the actor is not removed in the films and all his time pays the family. He spends money that earned 20 years ago. It is good that shooting in the film was able to provide him with a comfortable future, but it was sad that the actor earned to the funds could not increase.

Jessica Alba
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Jessica Alba can be called confidently to the most beautiful actress of the early 2000s. It would seem that she all just begins and its successful works could be the start of the dizzying career. But from the age of 27, she stopped filming a movie. She dedicated his time to his family and his business. Jessica opened the company for the production of general consumption goods. Many are surprised that Alba herself put the cross on his career. But the actress itself feels great in the role of Mom, his beloved wife and business Woman.

John Travolta.
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After entering the screens of the film "Frequency of Saturday Evening" in the 1970s, John Travolta woke up famous. But the cult actor he began after the role in the film "Tarantino. Pulp Fiction". His account is a numerous number of successful pictures, but the actor explains the Saintalogue to its success. One way or another, but in its 66 travoline really achieved a lot and is not going to stop there.

Catherine Zeta Jones
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In his 50 years, Catherine Zeta Jones continues to be filmed in the cinema, but she no longer appeared such successful works, as in the films "Chicago" and "Zorro", she did not have. The fact is that its main goat was appearance, which with age loses its appeal. In addition, Catherine does not hide that she constantly has to undergo treatment, so it breaks away from work. Not everything is smooth and in relations with his wife Michael Douglas. But despite all the troubles, the actress was able to take himself in hand, to keep their disease under control, save the family and continues to be removed.

Eddie Murphy
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Eddie Murphy began his career as a comedian, and ultimately, he only played roles in the best comedies, but also showed himself in voice acting. Everyone adored his Sland in the cartoon "Shrek". But recently, Eddie is less and more rarely pleased with their works. And this does not mean that he became less demanded, he simply earned a whole condition and now he can afford only for those work that he really likes. Now he began to pay more time to his ten children.

Taylor lotner
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The role of Jacob in the film "Twilight" brought Taylor Lotter with great popularity. In other times, as many other actors from this sensational picture. He disappeared from the screens after the release of the last part of the film. And they began to forget about him until the actor appeared on one of the television shows. The audience did not immediately recognize in a complete man of a handsome Jacob from Twilight. After that, many have understood why the actor does not offer new works.

Rene Zellweger
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Rene Zellweger shone in the musical "Chicago", like Catherine Zeta Jones, but at distinguished from the last, Zellweger remains in demand by the actress so far. The actress received Oscar for his role in the film "Judy". Beauty has never been her main goat. She all sought in mind and talent. The actress is easily reincarnated and plays roles and fatal beauties, and funny bbw. So age changes did not become frightening for her, as for many of her colleagues.

Jim Carrie
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You can list the cult comedies with the participation of Jim Carrie. Despite the fact that the actor is still removed, he has long ceased to be the best comic. If women are worried about the age, then what to worry a man? The fact is that Jim Carrie has become popular thanks to his facial expressions and crusions - it was his business card. But if a man for 50 years and he will be curly, it will not look so funny. And without comic grimace Carrie, no different from his colleagues.

Kate Winslet
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The star "Titanic" Kate Winslet always neglected with generally accepted beauty standards. But she lost weight for filming in the "Titanic". James Cameron was one director who persuaded the actress to lose weight. But immediately after filming, the actress again gained weight even more. The actress did not pay attention to the appeals on the social network and the director's persons to lose weight. But in 39 years she was tired of being plump. She lost 18 kilograms and still remains in excellent form.

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