"The deputy must be the technical support service." As a resident of Zelenograd demands from our deputy in the State Duma, do not vote for harmful law


State Duma deputy from Zelenograd Irina White is one of the initiators of the scandalous bill "On Educational Activities". This is amendments to the Law on Education, which make it possible to start governing the work of organizers of exhibitions, lectures, discussions and similar voluntary creative activities. By signing a collective petition, tens of thousands of Russians speak against it. But a resident of Zelenograd Elena decided to render additional pressure on his deputy in private and encourages to do this.

Photo: duma.gov.ru.

"Unfortunately, I learned about the bill late when it was already accepted in the first reading. In search engines, I could only find the name of our deputy. No contacts. Even at the past elections it was difficult to find at least some information about whom we choose. But still, I managed to find the form of communication with the deputy of Irina White than I used, "says Elena.

In his appeal, Deputy Elena used arguments from the petition against this bill (209 thousand people signed it at the time of publication). But it was important for her to show that there are people among whites voters who are not indifferent to this problem.

In response a couple of proposals on the merits, but Elena did not count on a detailed answer. But in response, the deputy actually recognizes that its bill is raw and writes about the need for its "substantial refinement" to "exclude the possibility of" restriction of educational activities.

Elena believes that the Zelenograds must actively contact our deputy. "It seems to me that the deputies should be such a technical support service - collect problems of users (voters), to systematize them and improve the rules for the operation of the system. Therefore, users are more actively given feedback on the product."

To contact your problems directly to our deputies in the State Duma you can from her page by clicking the "Create Appeal" button. The answer must come within 30 days. The nearest elections to the State Duma must pass on September 19.

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