GPS in ancient people. What other advanced technologies did they use?

GPS in ancient people. What other advanced technologies did they use? 17227_1

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It is believed that in the past, people were like savages who were afraid of any innovations, taking them for witchcraft. In fact, many inventions that are used today are not so modern, as it seems. They were invented quite a long time and efficiently worked even without electricity, microcircuits and other technical means.

2000-year-old computer

The anti-car mechanism is an ancient analog of a computer, with which people predicted the movements of stars and the moon phases for dozens of years ahead with the striking accuracy. One of these devices was found at the beginning of the 20th century off the coast of the Greek Island of Antikiter. An unusual find had an insanely complex mechanism consisting of 37 toothed and mesh gears. This device literally turned the presentation of scientists about the ancient world. Presumably it was created by another 100-200 g. BC.

The anti-car mechanism, unlike modern computers, did not need electricity and did not have a screen for the output of the most complex mathematical computing, but coped with all the tasks.

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Ancient navigator

Prior to the invention, GPS people focused in space thanks to a sextant, which measured the angle between the stars and the horizon, helping to determine the geographic coordinates of the desired point. Invented the device English Mathematics John Helli in 1730. Any person who has certain knowledge in astronomy could use sextant for efficient navigation without satellites and the most complex GPS equipment.

Bagdad Ruins Battery

The unique device was found in the ruins of ancient Iraq. Therefore, it was nicknamed by the Baghdad Battery. Nakhodka resembled a ceramic vessel inside which was a copper tube with a metal rod. Scientists assume that the device could be used in antiquity as a battery for electrotherapy or other medical purposes. To do this, it was only necessary to fill the vessel with electrolytic solution.

GPS in ancient people. What other advanced technologies did they use? 17227_2


Air conditioners are considered a fairly modern invention. People are already so accustomed to them that they do not even imagine how it was possible to do without their help. But at all positive moments, modern air conditioners are still applied with enormous harm. Ancient civilizations had air conditioning methods much more secure and no less effective. Romans, for example, cooled their homes all year round, passing water through pipes from the aqueduct system.

In the Middle East, structures in the form of a spiral were originally erected, which made it possible to capture the wind and enjoy the natural cool. In some civilizations at home or even whole cities were built underground in order to use natural cooling. In the hottest regions, people additionally burned in baggy clothes, which covered the whole body, but did not fit tightly. She created the cooling effect, not passing hot air.

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"Ball Mail"

Balloons that are used as unusual entertainment today, once had another destination. In ancient China, they were launched into the sky to exchange messages. They performed the role of a kind of mail.

Ancestors of refrigerators

Refrigerators with freezers - modern technologies that are in every home today. For their work, electricity is necessary, for the production of which you need coal. In addition, in the production of refrigerators, harmful chemicals are used, such as Freon. Ancient people who need to preserve freshness of products used simpler and eco-friendly methods. The Romans built the recovery freezers, which fell asleep by mountain snow. They then superimposed the extra layer of the Earth, on which the products were already unfolded. In such refrigerators, food did not spoke for a long time.

GPS in ancient people. What other advanced technologies did they use? 17227_3

Internet past

Telegraph at one time gave people the same opportunities as the Internet today. It was easy to use and cheap service. Telegraph allowed to exchange messages without having to be convened. He resembled a combination of messenger and SMS messages. With the advent of new technologies, Telegraph gradually began to lose its friendly popularity. Recently, he has completely stopped existence, forever entering the story as a unique means of communication.

Contraception means

People who lived in the Middle Ages have already enjoyed condoms. Only they were made only from latex, but from the intestine of animals. In Japan and China, condoms were popular, which covered only a part of male dignity. They were expensive. All the representatives of the elite could afford to acquire such means of contraception.

It turns out that the tests for pregnancy existed more than 1000 years ago, and not invented by modern society. Methods used different, including urine analysis of a pregnant woman.

Despite the fact that many technologies used by ancient people today may seem primitive, they quite effectively performed their functions and were considered know-how.

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