How to improve body composition: error and reality


Flat press with cubes, pumped buttocks, embossed hands and feet are all that tries to offer us a fitness industry. But is it all really? Is it safe to chase at low fat percentage?

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Basic errors concerning the perfect body composition

  • Everything is easy and simple. Everyone who ever lost weight believe that the cubes on the press are easier than simple, it is important to only pay attention to the necessary physical exercises. But it is not at all so if the body's condition is far from natural, then nothing will happen.
  • It's impossible. Most people believe that it is impossible to achieve this. They do not want a relief press, it is important for them to be thin. Such people get up 6 in the morning, run 2-3 hours a day, eat only low-calorie vegetables. And so they live all their lives, bleak existence, yes?
Both of these delusions are far from the truth.

How is it really

  • The first 5 kg is much easier to lose than the last 5 kg. The body becomes harder, the more you need to work on it so that it remains in a great form. The faster you lose the fat mass, the harder it will be in the future.
  • Many fitness models look perfect only before the competition and for it they pay their health.
  • Everyone who wants to look fit and attractive, first of all to focus on inconspicuous changes in their body. Loss even 5% fat can make a figure relief.
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How to improve body relief

It should be considered from what daily and weekly actions should be refused to achieve relief.

  • Do not eat semi-finished and fast food.
  • Do not absorb big portions of food at a time.
  • Sporting, be physically active, do not lead a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Feed healthy food, in which there will be a large number of vegetables and fruits.
  • Use a balanced food.
  • Giving the body a sufficient number of recreation. Sleep should be at least 8-9 hours a day.

Be sure to include in your daily diet protein, if there is a desire to gain muscle mass, then she needs to eat. For this, each kg of body should account for at least 1.5 g of protein. Sports to do at least 3 times a day, it is not necessary to be a gym, any physical activity is useful for the body. If you wish, you can dance, go to yoga.

To acquire a slim physique, there is no need to eat one cabbage and live in the gym. You can move in small steps to your dream, gradually observing all the rules that will help to achieve the goal. Even people with low fat can allow themselves desserts, but not more than 1-2 times a week and it is important to ensure that they are low-calorie.

Only disciplined people can achieve cubes on the press, but are they necessary? It is important that the body is healthy and taut, for this you should eat and play sports. But if there is a desire to achieve a pressed presses, then you have to calculate every calorium and do not miss training.

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