

In the presentation of many Aliexpress is a very contrary to the Internet playground. On the one hand, there really many interesting prices are clearly lower than anywhere else, but on the other, to order expensive goods like smartphones, tablets and other electronics, many simply fear. After all, you never know whether the parcel will come, not to mention how and who to contact the service of the purchased goods, given that the seller is located a few thousand kilometers. Therefore, it is logical that the iPhone on Ali is taken with reluctance. But is this phobia justified? Let's figure out.

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On Aliexpress a lot of iPhones, but is it worth buying them?

Why the special services are so easy to grasp iPhone

Let's start with the fact that Aliexpress is, let's say, not a single platform where only the Chinese trades. In fact, Ali has both regional units, where only local and international sellers who have warehouses in different countries of the world trade. It turns out that ordering the goods on the Chinese platform, you, firstly, can get it from a Russian warehouse, and, secondly, if you buy in the right place - also to acquire a PCT version with the official guarantee, a complete set of accessories, etc. d.

IPhone prices on Tmall

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On Tmall, as a rule, the price of iPhone below, but you need to choose them carefully

The official division of Aliexpress Russia is considered Tmall. Despite the fact that they use a common domain name, there are no Chinese sellers on Tmall, only the Russians. Moreover, almost always these are large trading networks like sealetkins, megaphone or connected. They trade official electronics, so buy an iPhone on Aliexpress through them is not only safe, but also profitable. I myself do not know how so, but on Tmall, the prices of iPhons are often unprecedentedly low. Here you have prices for some products:

  • iPhone XS 64 GB (as new) - 38 990 rubles;
  • iPhone XS 256 GB (as new) - 41 000 rubles;
  • iPhone XS MAX 256 GB (as new) - 53,490 rubles;
  • iPhone 11 Pro 64 GB (new) - 69,990 rubles;
  • iPhone 11 Pro MAX 64 GB (new) - 79,990 rubles;
  • iPhone 7 128 GB (as new) - 21 190 rubles.
What is iPhone Remade
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Tmall comes across

All smartphones that are available on Tmall from large retail chains are either new or restored to Apple itself. That is, the trick from such waiting will not have to have. However, there are also apparatus devices or those that were restored by the sellers themselves. As a rule, they implement specialized enterprises. According to the rules of the site, they are obliged to report that the phone is not new. Therefore, pay attention to the product description.

Did you know? Apple has an action that allows you to get a MacBook or iPhone 10 times cheaper

There must be addictory, most often used "used" or Remade. The iPhone with the mark Remade is restored without the participation of Apple's efforts of sellers or plants with which they cooperate. It is difficult to talk about the quality of restoration of such devices, but it is obvious that non-original components are used as spare parts. But the prices of such smartphones are usually not very high.

Used iPhone on Aliexpress

On the main site of Aliexpress selection of iPhones is clearly more. However, buying a smartphone there, you need to be extremely careful. Be sure to be attentive to read the product description to correctly appreciate its origin, and get acquainted with reviews.

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In the "Status" line indicated the real state of the smartphone

First of all on the product page, look at the line "Status", which is located right below the price. Ali is almost impossible to meet new iPhone, so in your case it will most likely be indicated that the smartphone was in use.

Never use the iPhone retrive repair!

But often it is not exactly what we are accustomed to thinking. In the overwhelming majority of cases, this means that the smartphone was bought from another user, and then renovated for further implementation. No one knows, in what state the device was before and what percentage of original components in it is used.

iPhone without Face ID on Ali

Sometimes you come across the iPhone without face ID. The fact is that a set of face recognition sensors cannot be bought on the side, and if the seller caught a sample with the resulting scanner, then it simply does not change, offering the device itself with a discount. The discount in most cases is quite tangible - 6-8 thousand rubles. As a result, it will be worth such an iPhone X in the area of ​​28 thousand rubles.

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Restored iPhones with Ali look like this. They do not differ from new ones, at least externally

Therefore, it is logical that there are people who are ready to put up with it. But, if you are of these, read the reviews anyway. Often, there you can find more valuable information than in the description of the goods. For example, in responses to that iPhone X, the screenshot of which you saw above, users report that an externally smartphone looks completely new, and the battery has a capacity of 100%. So the seller took care of his reputation.

Why iPhone 12 and Xiaomi Mi 11 stand differently at the same cost of components

Should I buy here such recovered iPhones? Well, everyone decides it for himself. One completely does not fundamentally that Chinese spare parts are used in their smartphone that have no relation to Apple. It is more important for them that they managed to save 20, or even 30% of the real price. But others are not categorically acceptable, in order for someone in their device to dig and change the original Accessories of Abs. I treat the latter, so my choice is Tmall.

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